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When Women of Color Support Brett Kavanaugh

Author Amy Chua is one of the handful of prominent women of color to support Brett Kavanaugh's appointment as a US Supreme Court justice.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist October 10, 2018
Fighting Climate Change the Solarpunk Way

How Solarpunk approach could be used in fighting climate change.

by Raisa Rifat March 27, 2018
Libertarianism and Feminism

In Indonesia like in the western hemisphere, some of the biggest detractors of feminism are those who identify as libertarians.

by Mario Rustan March 26, 2018
Teaching Fun Global Citizenship

With the regional economic integration of ASEAN coming this year, what kind of education is needed to create global citizens out of Indonesians?

by Jennie M. Xue, Columnist January 22, 2015