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Intoleransi dan Persekusi Berawal dari Kesepian

Betapa kesepiannya orang-orang yang memilih jalan menjadi diri sendiri, maupun menjadi intoleran.

by Ajeng May 22, 2018
The Problem with the #NotAllMuslims Narrative

If you say that not all Muslims are hateful, then show it and call out those who are.

by Arinta Pratiwi May 17, 2018
Feminisme Islam Thumbnail 79, Magdalene
From Mothers to Bombers: Women's Role in Religious Radicalism

Whether as mere sympathizers or active supporters, women's roles in radical Muslim groups must be taken into consideration. Another report from the recent Women Ulema Congress.

by Hera Diani May 9, 2017