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Confidence Continues to Daunt Women Business Leaders

Some of the problems that women business leaders face are not obvious physical barriers and, therefore, not easy to observe or fix – some are often rooted in beliefs about themselves.

by Nieve Walton February 10, 2020
Can Women Have It All? Working and Mothering in Jakarta

The gender norm that requires married women to look after the household magnifies the cost for women. As a result, women choose to leave the labor.

by Diahhadi Setyonaluri August 21, 2019
You Call Me Bossy? I Call Myself a Girlboss, So Deal with It!

She is often called bossy, stiff and harsh for doing the same things that get guys praised as being firm, discipline and honest.

by Nadiah Salsabilla August 8, 2019
Gender Equality Workplace Karina Tungari Thumbnail, Magdalene
Issues // Politics and Society
Riset: Hanya 23 Persen PNS Perempuan Duduki Jabatan Eselon

Riset menunjukkan ketimpangan gender di birokrasi masih signifikan dan perlu sistem afirmatif untuk mengubahnya.

by Shafira Amalia March 7, 2019
Wujudkan Tempat Kerja Sehat untuk Kesehatan Mental Pekerja

Pekerja yang paling banyak stres berat terkait dengan beban kerja paling banyak di sektor e-commerce, arsitektur, dan pembuat konten media.

by Magdalene February 27, 2019
Female Leaders Share Experience in Advancing Women’s Participation in STEM

Gender-sensitive policies as well as supportive atmosphere are important to advance women’s participation in STEM.

by Wulan Kusuma Wardhani, Reporter February 25, 2019
Korean Documentary Exposes Dirty Truths about Electronics Industry

The "clean rooms" of electronics factories turn out to be the most toxic part of the production line, costing the lives of its workers, a documentary shows.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari July 12, 2018
Lifestyle // Horoscope
Aisyah Scopes: June 2018

June could be one of the most positive months of the year which we look back on as a time of breakthroughs, joy and happiness.

by Aisyah Llewellyn, Columnist June 4, 2018
Harassment in office thumbnail 70, Magdalene
Ruang (Ny)aman: How to Handle Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Some very useful tips if you're experiencing or witnessing sexual harassment at work.

by Camely Artha April 5, 2018
Job Women Thumbnail, Magdalene
How Our Career Choice Shapes Our Self-Identity

Having worked in four different industries, she has learned how her career choice has affected her sense of self and identity.

by Elvita Natassa March 22, 2018