Born without a vagina and uterus, she has always felt disconnected from other women.
Even as a little girl, she knew something was off when she saw women spending most of their time in the kitchen to serve the men in the family.
Men need to realize that supporting feminism will also liberate them from the yoke of patriarchy.
Keputusan MK untuk menyerahkan pengubahan batas minimum usia menikah kepada DPR dikhawatirkan akan ditunggangi kelompok konservatif.
Emotional abuser will slowly kill you on the inside, so run for your life.
Dalam merespon kasus kekerasan seksual yang menimpa mahasiswi UGM, masyarakat justru sibuk dengan asumsi-asumsi pribadi dan mengabaikan isu kecacatan hukum yang menjadi inti dari masalah.
We've been conditioned to think that being "bad" is simply the natural state of men, which is why, men who are actually nice are strange and even rare.
Much of Asia has not only been slow to advance gender equality, it has also unintentionally become a playground for Western men who objectify women or uphold white supremacy.