Why is it so hard for women to get justice even when they are clearly victims of heinous crime?
Highlighting a rapist’s sexual preference always blurs the focus on addressing the issue of rape culture.
Tanpa harus melalui ancaman kekerasan, gadis remaja begitu rentan menghadapi bahaya kejahatan seksual.
Menjadi perempuan di Indonesia serba salah; berpakaian terbuka disebut nakal, berpakaian tertutup tetap mendapatkan pelecehan.
The rape case of an UGM student and the university's reaction is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sexual violence on campuses.
Women human rights defenders in Indonesia face a host of challenges including security and financial problems.
Surviving sexual violence is not a story of mere triumph. It is a journey filled with episodes of breakdowns and battles with the feeling of worthlessness.
Partnering with sexual violence survivors 16 artists, writers and performers showcased their works on what it means to speak up.
Is the consent framework the best way to protect women from sexual violence?
In the past two years, discrimination and persecution cases against LGBT people have been on the rise. This is the first of Magdalene's in-depth series documenting the issue.