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November 05, 2018

Aisyah Scopes: November 2018

As the year comes to a close, this is a month of planning and slowing down.

by Aisyah Llewellyn, Columnist
Lifestyle // Horoscope
Hello Magdalene readers! Here we are in the month of November. It’s almost the end of the year, and as 2019 comes to a close, this is a month of planning but not doing. This is the time of year when you will continue to experience slowdowns, so it’s a good idea to get all your ducks in a row now so that you are ready to take action towards the end of December and into January 2019. With that in mind, November will also be a sweet month when you can take stock and perhaps even hibernate at home without the pressure of having to make any big moves. Enjoy the break!
Here is how it is all going to go down:
7 November: New Moon in Scorpio
This is a very powerful New Moon and it could lead to breakthroughs for many of us. It is a time to think about our dreams and also our past mistakes - and even make amends if we need to. If you want to visualize plans for the future, or get closer to someone in your life by popping the question or similar, then now is the time to do it!
15 November - 6 December: Mercury Retrograde

That pesky planet Mercury is going retrograde again for three weeks from 16 November to 6 December as an usual all the caveats apply. This is not a time for you to fear, but you do need to be careful if you are planning to travel as you could experience delays and other technical issues. As such backup all your work and don’t buy any new electronics at this time!
23 November: Full Moon in Gemini
This Full Moon in Gemini could have a bit of a bite to it, and it could also bring with it some confusion which we don’t usually see at the time of a Full Moon - as these are usually about clarity. Knowing this now, however, don’t make any big moves around this time and watch out as tempers may flare.
And now for a look at each individual sign…
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! This is your birthday month, which means that you are in the spotlight, but it may feel a little more subdued than usual as we have Venus and then Mercury retrogrades, which dull the shine a little bit and make everyone even more introspective than usual. That said, as the spotlight is still technically on you, it could be that you spend more time than usual thinking about yourself and “brand Scorpio”. If you have been wondering about the next moves in your life lately, across all fields, then now is the moment to start to visualize what these may actually look like. You have also probably had some relationship ups and downs in recent months as you have been on one long voyage of self-discovery, but the good news is that these will settle down for you soon and your home life will be calmer and happier. On the flipside, changes are still going to come, but you have time to work these out after March 2019.
You have a weird month coming up, Sagittarius, which will bring with it both highs and lows. On the one hand, you will find that you have some good luck on your side as Jupiter, the Planet of Luck and Abundance is moving into your sign on 8 November. That said however, Jupiter will be in your sign for most of the year, so this is about the long haul and not instant good luck. You will also be hit by Mercury which is going retrograde on 15 November until 6 December and this will mean that you could feel as if you are cooling your heels. If that is the case, then use this time to rest and recharge, and think about the future. Once December and January come around, you will be in a much better position to start harnessing some of the celestial blessings that Jupiter is bringing your way. You also have the Sun in your shadowy Twelfth House of Introspection, so this also means that you may be more focused inwards than usual.
You have the Sun in your Eleventh House of Friends and Groups Capricorn and this could be a month when you see and feel some subtle changes in this area. On the one hand you may see success with a group such as a band or a club, but you also have other issues such as a slowdown from the heavens in the form of Mercury which will be retrograde. This means it’s a good time to take stock of the people you have around you, and it could be that you decide that you want to get closer to some of them, or join a new group or club. On the other hand, you may also feel as if you have outgrown some of the people around you, and if that is the case then you could feel as if you want to move on. Either way, this is the month to make some plans about your social interactions and figure out how your friends fit into your life. This could even apply to a friend who feels like more of a lover, or the other way around, and you may need to spend some time reassessing this relationship now.
We have the Sun in your Tenth House of Ambition this month, Aquarius, and it could be that you want to rush to get ahead now in your work life. But the heavens are asking you to slow down just a little. Throughout the month you will still get some bouts of celestial luck from the heavens, but these will be opportunities that will come to fruition over the next few months, so you are unlikely to see instant results. Knowing this, you need to nurture your work connections now but know that you will also need to put in the work. This could also apply to other areas of your life, including your love life which could see you more contemplative than usual. If that is the case, then avoid making a big relationship decision this month as you are likely to keep changing your mind, so definitely don’t say or do anything that you will regret in the coming months!
The Sun is in your Ninth House of Foreign Lands now, Pisces, and this means that you may be thinking about travel in November. This could also apply to foreigners, people with foreign accents, or destinations that take you overseas. Whatever the case for you, it seems as if you have a lot to dwell on throughout November, and it will take until January for you to make firm decisions about your travel or foreign agenda. Now is really the moment for you to nurture what you have and also look out for new opportunities on the horizon, realizing of course that anything new will take some time to work out. What you are doing or starting now is something that could pay off very well in the future and the long term - but for the moment you are just going to have to be a little patient with the process.

This month you have the Sun in your Eighth House of Introspection, Aries, and this could mean that you feel a little less feisty than usual. As a general rule, you are a leader in almost any situation, and you certainly aren’t afraid of speaking up. Now however, is the time for you to turn inwards and think about everything that has gone down this year. It has been intense and difficult for you on a number of different levels. November is the perfect month for you however to stay inside, relax, and think about where you want to be this time next year. Big things are coming for your career in 2019 but you need to visualize it and lay some of the groundwork now. Remember the advice at the top of this column though: this is not the time to make big moves or commit to bold new ideas. The key for you now is to spent time thinking everything through.
This is going to be a pretty heavy month for you, Taurus – there is no way to sugarcoat that! The issue now is that you have the Sun in your Seventh House of Love and Partnerships and this has been an area of your life that has caused you some tension for some time. This could have been about your work collaborations, or it may have been linked to your love life, but it has certainly caused you some sleepless nights, Taurus! As November rolls around, you will find that you spend more time thinking through some of these relationship issues, and it may be that you come to one or two conclusions about how you want to move forward. One thing to keep in mind however is that you shouldn’t rush. Final decisions on romantic unions or other important partnerships will not be finalized until December and January, so think it through but allow for changes.
The Sun is in your Sixth House of Health, Gemini, and with Mercury, your ruling planet, also going retrograde in the second half of November, you could feel as if you are running on empty. As such you may not be as talkative and bubbly as you usually are, and people may think you seem a little down. If that is the case then don’t feel like you need to explain. The reality is that you need time to find your center now and figure out the details of your life like your daily routine and your fitness regime. This will allow you to get back on track throughout November, and into December and January you could have a completely different daily life to the one you have now, as huge changes are on the horizon for you. With that in mind, you may also want to book a check up with a doctor now if you have a health issue that has been plaguing you for some time.
You have the Sun in your Fifth House of True Love throughout November so this will shift your attention to creative endeavors and your love life, Cancer. But this is also Scorpio season and this means that your romantic connections could have a sting in their tail at the same time. You are likely to be even more introspective than usual and you will find that your partnerships border on intense or even obsessive. This is a time when you could fall madly in love, but it is also a time to look within and ask yourself what you truly want out of your romantic life. Whatever you choose, it seems that things will be very different for you by the end of the year, and even more so into 2019. What starts now could seem small and inconsequential but it is setting the stage for very different romantic dynamics in the coming years.
With the Sun in your Fourth House of Family you are likely to have family matters on your mind in November which could also extend to where you live and your actual house or home. This has been a rocky year for many people and a turbulent few months, and now you will find that you have a chance to sit back and reflect on what exactly has been going on. As such, it could now be that you are mulling a move in your life, either to a new home or to a different part of the country – or even further. If that is the case, then, of course, make plans, but know that these may change in the coming months. This is really the moment for you to take stock of life rather than signing a new lease or contract on a home. As your home life is accentuated, you could also find that you feel closer to your loved ones and you may crave more time at home. If that is the case, then don’t be shy about doing just that.
Throughout November you will have the Sun in your Third House of Communication, and ordinarily this would mean that you would be in the spotlight, Virgo. The issue now however is that we have Mercury, your ruling planet, which is going retrograde around the middle of the month, and so with that in mind you could find that signals get scrambled. If you are planning a new look then now is not the time to do it as you still have Venus retrograde as well which affects appearance. So the best thing to do is plan changes and wait for the end of December to implement them  no matter which area of your life they influence. In other news, you have a lot of activity in your zone of domestic matters this month, so you may be thinking about moving forward with a partner and getting married or starting a family. On the flipside, you may be considering a breakup, but either way you need to think everything through and save the decisions for the end of the year.
This month sees the Sun in your Second House of Finance Libra and this means that money matters will be on your mind. This is good news, as you have probably had your fair share of financial struggles over the past few years and you could also find that 2019 gives you the chance to make more money than you have in some time. Good news! And the even better news is that this financial good luck starts right now. It’s true that you may not see the pennies rolling in straight away, but things you put in place now, like a new savings plan, could be the start of something big for your financial future. If you have some money making schemes in mind then this is the time to get them in writing, but just remember that they may change several times before you get the final finished product or project, so take your time getting this right.
Aisyah Llewellyn is a professional freelance writer. Much of her work is focused on astrology writing and she specializes in compatibility reports and relationship advice by sign.