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October 17, 2016

Tarotscope 17th - 23rd October 2016

Venus makes its way to Sagittarius this week, so prepare for some looove advice.

by Atanti Widyadhari, Columnist

Who’s excited about Tarotscope’s love edition? Prepare your best dance move because we’re gonna dig deep, deeper than Adele songs. This week, Venus makes its way to Sagittarius on Wednesday, while the Scorpio season begins on Sunday. Let’s peek into how the grand transit affects your approach to love and life as portrayed by my favorite love/hate TV couple, Cookie Lyon and Lucious Lyon from Empire.

Happy birthday to my sexy and sassy Scorpio readers! Like a sinister sister of Libra, Sun in Scorpio doesn’t give a shit about ghosting or ditching someone if you think they deserve it. The first motive might be because they hurt you so much, but other things such as unnecessary hunger for vengeance will contribute to these polluted thoughts. Feelings will be ~intensified~ and it won’t be easy to curb the temptation to love or to hate with such profound. All or nothing, guys, all or nothing. Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, is the planet of destruction that would rebuild your life by destroying everything around you so you can start planting pretty flowers at the crime scene. It sounds so gory, but death and rebirth are basically two sides of the same coin anyway.

With Sagittarius ruling Venus until November 12th, honesty would be the only thing that can seal the deal for you. Liars are unattractive, so does people who can’t seem to make up their mind. As we are leaving the people-pleasing Libra, it’ll be easier for us to make difficult decision to end a situation or cut off a relationship with friends or lovers who bring nothing but heartache. My mantra for you would be: If they don’t care, don’t waste your time.
However, Scorpio’s healing power may also reconnect you with the people who actually deserve your attention. Remember that ex whom you haven’t talked to for a few years but who remain friends with you on Facebook? Yup, that one. They may come back, btw. All you have to do is soak up Scorpio's magical healing power and surrender yourself to the Universe.

This is the time to seek answers from the past. Just like the way Mercury Retrograde brings back your past arch-enemies from your “Do Not Disturb” contacts, you’ll feel a similar effect when you reconnect with them, minus the frustration. This is a chance for you to talk to them about what happened and what went wrong, with the hopes of starting everything again from zero.

To start or to end a relationship, the choice is entirely yours. Sun in Scorpio and Venus in Sagittarius can only bring the suppressed problems to the surface through a visit from the past and the urge to speak your heart out.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
The Lovers
This week brings a sentimental side of you that you thought had been buried deep. You finally realize how important your loved one is for you. They’re the only ones who can brighten your day, and at some point, you feel that intense pain just thinking about them leaving you one day. The urge to love them with all your heart is the only thing you can think about. You want to give them everything you have and be there throughout their lonely nights. My only suggestion is for you to slow down on the intensity. Some lovers may not appreciate your emotional approach, especially if they’re not on the same page. They are more likely to walk away too if they don’t feel the same way as you do. Nevertheless, sing them some love songs, take them out for a romantic dinner, and cherish your togetherness while it lasts.
You should listen to:
London Bridge - TWENTY88
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
The Magus
Prepare for changes! This week, your relationship will be tested through a big decision making that may change the dynamic between you. It’s time to talk about each other’s feelings about the changes and discuss what can be done to keep the spark alive. Don’t panic, this is just a speed bump in your relationship. Tackle it by finding a solution that will work for both lovers.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Prince of Wands
Having your loved one disagree with your choices, whether it’s big or small, can discourage you from pursuing your dreams and enjoying your life. Despite the endless disagreements, they are only looking out for you with ways they are familiar with. It’s okay, just try to convince them why you choose your life to be a certain way. If they love you, they’ll understand.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Prince of Disks
If your relationship does not seem to move forward, maybe it’s time to start spicing things up! Book a fun couple activity for both of you, like a cooking class or a trip to an island. Do something new that none of you have ever done before. Take a break from your career/study for once and enjoy an exciting adventure with your lover.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Eight of Cups - Indolence
You need a break, Pisces. Things are spiraling in your relationship and sometimes you’re not sure whether you are doing the right thing. You don’t have to end it, you just need some time to think about your priorities and bring balance back into your life. Spend more me time to recharge yourself, before you start to say things that you didn’t mean.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Ace of Wands
A relationship is a two-way thing, Aries. It’s not about taking as much as you can while giving as little as you can. If there’s anything that you want to change from your loved one, communicate it, and do understand that some traits can’t change and won’t be changed. If it’s the latter, then it will be your turn to compromise with the situation.
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Six of Swords - Science
Sometimes it can be difficult to understand your partner when you are swamped with work and responsibilities. Other things in your life are giving you "the pressure of the year” and you can’t seem to be bothered to pay attention. To ease this, make some room to include your partner in your decision making and let them know that they still have a place in your heart.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)
Ten of Cups - Satiety
The key in finding long-lasting happiness is the willingness to accept what’s in front of you. They may not be perfect, but they are the only ones who can understand you at this moment despite your flaws and your ever-changing mood swing. Someone new may come to take their place, but not now, not in the near future. So be content with what you have, at least for now.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Prince of Cups
Emotional connection with your loved one takes time. It’s not going to happen overnight, not without the right approach. If emotional intimacy is what you’re looking for, find a way to have an intimate conversation to let them know how you feel. However, if after numerous efforts things still didn’t seem to change, maybe it’s time to find someone else who can meet your expectation.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Seven of Cups - Debauch
After a recent argument with your loved one, now you’re stuck between two different options: to care or not to care for them. Think about your priorities, Leo. Does caring for them mean that you have to sacrifice yourself? On the other hand, think about how you feel about them. Will love conquer your ego? Whichever option you choose, let’s hope you won’t regret it.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Princess of Cups
Having trust issue makes your approach to the relationship a tad bit complicated. Virgos are naturally curious, but this quirky aspect of yours can only be tolerated to a certain extent by your partner. If you want to know where your partner has been to this afternoon, maybe you can ask them nicely without sounding like you’re trying to probe into their personal life.
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Three of Wands - Virtue
Meeting the right one always brings joy for Libras. Your effort to keep the relationship from falling apart has rewarded you with a harmonious love affair. You understand what your partner needs and you are willing to discuss and solve any problems that arise. Don’t sweat the small arguments, just enjoy this comfortable honeymoon state while it lasts, Libra.
Got a question about your love life? Book a tarot reading session with Foxglove Tarot here to find out how your lover feels about your affair.

Çanti is a free spirited tarot reader and astrology writer based in Bali. She founded Foxglove Tarot, an online tarot reading service for the spiritually curious. She uses Thoth Tarot to decode your weekly astrology findings and Bohemian Cats Tarot for her daily heart-to-heart session. Say “hi” to her on Facebook, Twitter, and her website