'Tis the season of the sweet and charming Libra, but the upcoming Venus Retrograde can bring out the prickly side in you. Use this time to reflect instead.
Though there are Mars and Mercury retrograde to be dealt with, this month will end with a super sweet full moon. So best enjoy it by slowing down.
After living her life haunted by anxiety and extremely low self-esteem, she begins to find peace of mind in the simplest things, like the strangers she meets every day on the street.
After a tough April, comes changes in the month of May.
Brace yourself, folks, April might get a bit turbulent.
After an uptick in energy levels in the beginning of March, comes some time to relax, reflect and revise.
This month is about putting the building blocks in place for the year ahead.
Supermoons, eclipses, curve balls, all make this month an emotionally wild month.
Some changeable and challenging energy ahead, but it sure won't be dull transition to the new year.
Take note, everyone, 26th of October is the luckiest day of the year for all signs!