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December 05, 2016

Tarotscope 5th-11th Dec 2016

Love is in the air again this week - Tarotscope's love edition.

by Atanti Widyadhari, Columnist

It's that time of the month again! Venus is moving into another sign, which means... it's time for Tarotscope’s love edition! :D
Welcome to the land of Venusian in Aquarius from December 8th, 2016 until January 4th, 2017! It is where freedom rules our heart like a summer breeze at the beach. Free to run, free to love, with a casual, jesting tone amongst lovers. There will be no restriction on how and who to love albeit unconventional, as long as it excites your inner flower child.

While Venus sits in her water-bearer’s throne, enjoy a month of socializing and intellectual banter between two opposing minds. Uranus retrograde in Aries may block you from these attempts and force you to walk with caution as you enter an uncharted territory. Having to worry about coming home in one piece as your mind escape the mundane is normal. But that should not stop you from trying, though! A sextile aspect between Mars in Aquarius and Uranus retrograde in Aries indicates that your curiosity will soon overpower your logic.
Through these anomalous exchanges, you may find yourself attracted to new kinds of individuals. You wouldn't care much about someone's background if they knew how to arouse your mind with quirks and wonders. You may also be open to a different kind of love. Why fall in love with one person when you can fall in love with three or four people? Ever heard of polyamory? It's worth checking out if you're not sure whether it's Jules or Jim that rules your heart.

If you are single and you're looking forward to meeting someone new, strip all of your conservative rules and start seeking love in every nook and cranny. Wondering why you never really click with the opposite sex? Maybe the love of your life comes from your own team. Or if you have never included Tinder in your search, maybe it's time to try something new. (I even included a link to their site!) Venus in Aquarius is playful and detached. But even in your pursuit of attachment, a seemingly Bridget Jones-esque desperate measure is worth a try.

So, let's give freedom a try, shall we?
Want to know how to bring your inner freak back in your relationship? (wink wink) Book an online tarot reading session with Foxglove Tarot for more enlightening tips and tricks.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
The Aeon
Focus on the Fun (with capital) this week, Sagittarius. You have all month to think about the next step in your career and life, but if you don't stop and enjoy the scenery, you might lose the moment.
For singles: When it comes to your current fling, listen to what your intuition is saying. They may not be suitable for long term relationship, but enjoy it while it lasts! Everyone needs to have some 'fun' once in a while. Especially you!
For couples: Try to include some nostalgic references into your flirty repartee. Remember your first argument and how far things have changed? Tease your partner and laugh about it while enjoying a cup of hot cocoa together under your designer duvet.
You should listen to:
For single: Bring Me Flowers - Hope
For couple: The Simple Things - Michael Carreon
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Ten of Cups - Satiety
Don't be afraid of taking chances in love and life, Capricorn! But try not to make any rash decisions, because your first step matters. You may want to start with a solid conversation and with confidence to convince your crush that you're worth a shot. Oh, and by the way, beware of a conflict of interest that is likely to happen.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Seven of Disks - Failure
Dear Aquarius, try to see through your loved one before making any decision. Although it seems as if the only way to solve it is by putting yourself first, it would be better if you can see it from their point of view. Disagreements happen to all couples, but the best solution comes from those who solve it together as a team.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Queen of Disks
It might sound easier to leave, but it won't make you learn anything, Pisces. Why don't we make the best out of our situation instead of striving on an empty hope? Don't run away, dear one. If there's any unspoken problem between you and your loved one, try to solve it and make it work. Suppressing it will only cause it to blow up at one point.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Five of Swords - Defeat
We want to see how far things would go in love that we sometimes do the wrong thing just to stretch our limit. I get it. You're bored because things aren't fast enough. Sadly, however, it's not a good idea for your relationship. Let your hair down, Aries. Sometimes when things aren't exciting enough, it can still teach you something about love.
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Six of Cups - Pleasure
We seek solace in the strangest places. Sometimes we don't know what we're looking for in our journey. But the answer to your concern is simple: remind your partner every day how much you love them. Text them a heart emoji, or remind them to have early dinner, your choice. Don't underestimate the magic that small gestures bring.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)
Four of Disks - Power
There's an upcoming big decision that you need to make in your life, and you're not sure whether you want to include your loved one in it. When you love them, you shouldn't be scared to move on to another level with them. Guilt tripping yourself won't make it easier. Steer clear of drama, and choose your priority wisely.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
For someone who is in a high strung mode most of the time, you seem pretty confident this week. Atta, Cancer! This playful mood of yours should last for a week or two. And I love the way you wear confidence like your second skin. If you're single, now is the time to shine. Ignore those who decide not to waste time with you. Let's find your equals!
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Five of Wands - Strife
For a gentle nurturing being like you, finding someone who would take care of you feels a bit unusual. You're happy because things work out so smoothly, but sometimes you feel guilty for asking for help. Just enjoy your time, Leo. You deserve a loving partner that complements you so well. Isn't it nice to take pleasure in all of this attention?
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Three of Disks - Works
Alright, Virgo, you need to shut it out. Don't worry too much! You should be happy now that you find the balance between work, love, and family. Everything seems to align with your schedule, and your life must have felt at ease because everything is FINALLY under control. Just, calm down and take a chill pill. You are doing fine, dear one.
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
The Hierophant
There are so many things to keep up with in your personal life, and you are often unsure whether you can be the perfect multitasker. But your loved one is right here with you and they will fight with you throughout. Hold their hands and don't worry about a single thing. Include them in your decision making! I'm sure they will be delighted to help.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Seven of Cups - Debauch
What you feel about your loved one has slowly gotten disproved by the circumstances that surround your love. Things have gotten better than before, but you're still wary of it. This is what I'd like to call a calm-before-the-storm situation. You know you have to act fast to keep up with the change, or your love will slowly cease.

Çanti is a free spirited tarot reader and astrology writer based in Bali. She founded Foxglove Tarot, an online tarot reading service for the spiritually curious. She uses Thoth Tarot to decode your weekly astrology findings and Bohemian Cats Tarot for her daily heart-to-heart session. Say “hi” to her on Facebook, Twitter, and her website