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June 06, 2016

Tarotscope June 6th - 12th

This week, it may rain money, but don't succumb to the temptations to spend it all.

by Atanti Widyadhari, Columnist

After a week of intense opposition between Sun, plus Venus in Gemini and Mars Retrograde in Scorpio, we would welcome another opposition couple in the stars. You may have heard about a bunch of celebrity breakups recently (Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, and Gigi Hadid) that may be caused by this opposition and New Moon in Gemini last Sunday. If you survived this relationship rollercoaster, congratulations! Now let’s move on to another ride.
This Wednesday June 8th, Mercury in Taurus will be in opposition with Mars Retrograde in Scorpio (what is wrong with you, Mars), so until you can control your desire to venture on spontaneous trips or projects, Mercury will make sure that you won’t earn any penny from it.
Mercury is a planet that rules logic and communication. When paired with the moneymaking Taurus, you’ll know that the sky will only rain money for you, if you’re smart enough to know the "what, when, and where" to get it. Mars Retrograde in Scorpio would tempt you to make unnecessary spending on things or activities that you want, just because you want it. Scorpio is a pretty stubborn sign so you may have a hard time controlling the empty temptation during this period.
But this is a great time to snap out of that fancy dream and start saving up for the future. Remember that Taurus is a sign of stability so unless you want to spend your next few years broke like a college student who survives on instant noodles for breakfast/lunch/dinner, then I suggest you start getting your shit together.
Sun and Venus in Gemini would also get another chance to meet Uranus in Aries with a sextile on Thursday the 9th, after the disastrous opposition with Mars in Scorpio last week. This new connection is a message from the Universe for you to start reinventing yourself and your own individuality. If the havoc created by Mars in Scorpio caused you to break up with your partner, Uranus would help you rebuild your self-confidence and prep you to be the hottest, most confident, single man/woman before you’re off on another love pursuit.

“Love yourself, before you love others.” is something that you need to internalize during this period. Don’t be afraid to try on a new style or a new haircut, because Uranus will definitely approve this. Just remember not to spend too much money on it, or go off on another experimental one-night-stands because Mercury in Taurus is not going to like this. 
Be the coolest butterfly you can be but don’t fly too close to the sun, okay?
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)
Princess of Disks
Hello, birthday sign! Sit back and relax because what you wish for yourself will come true this week with little or almost no effort. Well isn’t that the best birthday present from the Universe? But don’t push your wish onto others, because it may not work so well for your relationship. Don’t forget to be grateful and thankful for the little lucks that you stumbled upon! This week is all about appreciating what you have and what you are going to get, because who knows when it will run out, right?
You should listen to:
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
You should wear:
Something bright, something light, something that will spark joy! Ditch those boring blue jeans and replace it with a patterned summer dress and enjoy this summer with a cup of cold lavender-infused water.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Ten of Cups (Satiety)
You don’t need to be the best in everything, Aries! Every single mistakes you make or failure you caused happen because you have to learn to be better. Don’t worry about what other thinks about you, they got too many things in their hands anyway. Just do your best and soon you’ll see the magic in every failed attempt.
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
Ace of Cups
Life will slap you in the face if you still whine about how tough life is. There’s no room for whining now because you have to toughen up for the people who rely on you (or look up to you). Things would go down hill, but it doesn’t matter as long as you know when to press the break. You can do it!
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Princess of Cups
There’s always another way to get what you want. Some roads may be unconventional and it may also lie beyond your comfort zone, but you can always take a step back, if you’re not comfortable enough. Now it’s only a matter of whether you’re brave enough to show your teeth. Go get ‘em, tigress!
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Six of Cups (Pleasure)
How far would you plan your life ahead? A few months? Years? Or days? Don’t stop planning all you want, Leo, but see if you can give room for spontaneity in the middle. Dance in the middle of the rain and laugh at the things you hate the most. Soon you’ll see the silver lining and life would get much easier than before.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
The Sun
By now you have had enough of conforming to what others have to say about you that you can’t be bothered to give a single fuck anymore. Let them say what they want! Let it pour – let it rain! You can’t control others anyway. Use your OCD energy to start focusing on things that matters to you the most. Fuck the haters.
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
We come, we conquer, we party! This week, give yourself a chance to celebrate your weeks’ worth of hard work by buying those stuff that are worth dying for (we all know that Libra is a sucker for pretty things). But don’t spend too much on them because your finance doesn’t look so well in the next few weeks. 
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Ten of Swords (Ruin)
It doesn’t matter what you say, people won’t get you anyway. You can try a thousand times or convey it differently, but you won’t be able to, until you accept that you will always stand out from the rest of the pack. Maybe it’s time to find another environment filled with similar oddballs who would get you?
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Two of Swords (Peace)
You can find opportunity even in the most difficult situation. Don’t you think it’s better to share it with someone else than to keep all the goods for yourself? They say it takes two to tango and I say, hell, yeah! It would work well for you. It may sound as if they’re trying to take your spotlight, but, nah don’t worry about it.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Ten of Wands (Oppression)
What does it take for a Capricorn to give up? Nothing! You would chase your dream and your goal, and you won’t let anyone or anything to get in your way. Give or take, you’ll crush them. That’s actually a good mindset to start this week. Don’t be afraid to say no, if you know things are going to get ugly. Stay fierce!
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Ace of Disks
This week, we’ll focus on your career, Aquarius! Things may get a little suffocating this week, but, seriously, your keen eye for details may actually save you a lot of time. Swallow your pride and ask around if you don’t know what to do. You don’t have to do everything by yourself, if you can delegate it to someone else.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
You don’t have time to deal with your emotion, because if you let it control you, you won’t have time for anything at all. Emotion can be good when it comes to finding out how you feel about certain things, but it doesn’t help much in other aspects of your life. Don’t think about what to do, just get your hands dirty and start doing.

Çanti is a free spirited tarot reader and astrology writer based in Bali. She founded Foxglove Tarot, an online tarot reading service for the spiritually curious. She uses Thoth Tarot to decode your weekly astrology findings and Bohemian Cats Tarot for her daily heart-to-heart session. Say “hi” to her on Facebook, Twitter, and her website