Are you ready for another game-changing New Moon? At the end of the week, particularly on Sunday June 5th 2016, we will witness another New Moon, which will be nestled in the air sign, Gemini.
The New Moon will be in conjunction with both Venus and Sun (finally!), but with a slightly complicated relationship with Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter. The Gemini conjunction will be faced with an opposition from the orderly Saturn, a square with the adventurous Jupiter in Virgo, and another square with the imaginative Neptune in Pisces.
Sounds complicated? Allow me to break it down for you.
Here’s what's going to happen: we would be inspired to pursue our passion because our ego and our intuition tells us that this would be a great idea. I mean, it’s insane not to follow your passion anyway, right? However, as we plan our steps ahead, we would realize that this may not happen, because it’s either too good to be true, impossible to attain, or, worse, our parents don’t agree with our vision.
Saturn is also a representative of career and ambition; so another thing that could happen is us having a hard time juggling our day job with our side project. To overcome such obstacle, the square aspect with Jupiter and Neptune would force us to spread ourselves thin.
We would push our mind and our bodies to work harder and faster to be able do both at a fast pace at the same time. Whichever you choose, either career or passion, both may result in stress and health problem, as both Moon and Saturn are in square with Jupiter and Neptune.
Sadly, New Moon is a period to eliminate things that don’t serve its purpose in your life anymore. You can’t have the best of both worlds, dear. Choosing is one thing, but the most important question you need to ask yourself is, “How can I balance my career / passion / and health?” Only you can answer this, not me (obviously).
Whatever you choose, remember to always consider all aspects before deciding on something that would change your life for the better.

Knight of Disks
Dear Gemini, if you feel as if there are too many things happening at once, you are most likely correct. The multitasking Gemini has finally found their arch-nemesis; an endless stream of work coming from up, down, left, and right.
Exhausted? I bet you do! Why don’t you take a little break in that fiber optic brain of yours? Sit down, don’t overthink everything, and have a glass of coconut water to stay hydrated (or wine to chill out). By shutting off your mind the moment you’re free of work, you would actually save a lot of time for a more relaxing activity.
You should listen to:
Hang on Little Tomato - Pink Martini
You should wear:
Something light, comfortable, preferably something monochrome + nude. Don’t spend too much time figuring out what to wear because this would just add up to your stress level.

Eight of Wands (Swiftness)
You have to stop taking things for granted, just because opportunity knocks on your door earlier than it does other star signs. Soon, there would be a day when all your luck runs out. Don’t worry, though, if you start prepping yourself with a pinch of extra hard work earlier, soon enough you may find yourself in a very favorable position.

Queen of Wands
This week, there will be a blast from the past from someone who used to admire you long time ago. They would pop up to check if you are doing all right so far. Any feelings that may rush from that brief encounter wouldn’t last long enough for you to remember, though. My advice, don’t think about it too much or you’ll get caught up in something that you’re going to regret.

Two of Wands (Dominion)
Do not underestimate the power of believing in yourself. Not now, not ever. If you ever feel like a plastic bag, remember this powerful mantra: “I am strong. I am good. I am enough.” Give yourself a little pick-me-up boost by chanting it whenever you lose your cool. You just need to overcome your confidence block and you’ll do great. Now, are you ready to face the big, big world?

Ten of Swords (Ruin)
No, Leo, this week is not a good time to think with your ego. When dealing with work and ambition, it’s really easy for you to lose your charm and fall into the ego trap. I get it. What you need to do is to stop letting this get in your way and embrace that problem as a part of your learning process. Because, hey, nothing can tame the king of the jungle better than the jungle itself, right?

Prince of Disks
Go ahead and move forward while you can, Virgo! Work and personal life is going to run smoothly this week so you better get on that elevator and climb up as fast as you can. Although this journey is for you and you alone, don’t forget those who have invested their time and money to put you in this position. There will be a time when they’re asking for your favor. If that happens, be prepare to throw a rope from the 33rd floor, okay?

Two of Swords (Peace)
Oh look what I have for you this week, Libra. More and more hard work needed to achieve your goal. Yay! (some irony intended) This may sound exhausting, but you are actually this close to making your dream come true. It just takes a little bit more blood, sweat, and tears, I promise. I can’t tell you when, but get ready for a huge stream of luck coming to you this week.

Six of Wands (Victory)
Mars is currently in retrograde in Scorpio, but it doesn’t seem to wear off your sexy yet alluring vibe, hmm…. If you ever want to attract a new partner, this week is your chance to let it loose. For attached Scorpios, don’t let your vigorous desire gets in the way of your relationship. You may be more interested in a third party, but it’s just going to ruin what you have right now. Better safe than sorry!

Nine of Disks (Gain)
Sorry, Sagittarius, but your finance seems a little bit dry this week, despite the time and energy you’ve spent in your work/project. If it’s starting to frustrate you, think of Plan B. Is there anything that you can do to make more money? Or should you cut down on some expenses to survive this scorching summer? Hope it gets resolved soon!

Five of Swords (Defeat)
After a slow week, now is the time for you to roll up your sleeves and get things in motion. Any postponed plans or projects? What has been blocking you from taking your responsibility recently? Note down all the possible obstacles and plan your days ahead today (not tomorrow). Let’s get you back in shape and start getting ambitious, Capricorn!

Nine of Cups (Happiness)
A happy face alone is not enough to hide that sadness you’ve been feeling in the past few days/weeks, Aquarius. I know that you are an individualist, but sharing your weight is always a great first step towards happiness. It may seems like the world is going against you at the moment, but there’s no harm in trying to contact your closest friends and confide in them. At least you won’t feel completely alone anymore. Big hugs.

The Magus (The Magician)
Let’s welcome June with a zest of optimism, Pisces! Have you decided on what you want to do in the future? As of now, the future seems a lot brighter for you because of the abundance of good news that comes your way. There are so many things that you can do: travel, study, work, with so many options to choose. You can take your time, but you still have to seize it before someone else does. So, who will win this race?