Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
March 27, 2015

The Girl Effect

Investing in girls globally is not only a moral thing to do, it also makes economic sense. This website and video tells you why and how.

by Magdalene

In India, adolescent pregnancies result in nearly US$10 billion in potential income loss every year.  In Uganda, 85 percent of girls leave school early, resulting in $10 billion in lost potential earnings. Meanwhile, in Bangladesh, by delaying child marriage and early birth for one million girls, the country could potentially add $69 billion to the national income over these girls' lifetimes.
These facts show that we cannot afford not to invest in girls. Therefore, from Addis Ababa to the Big Apple, girls are joining The Girl Effect movement, believing that girls are the most powerful force for change on the planet.
Created by the Nike Foundation, in collaboration with the United Nations and other organizations, this movement is about leveraging the unique potential of adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves, their families, their communities, their countries and the world. It is about making girls visible and changing their social and economic dynamics by providing them with specific, powerful and relevant resources.
This movement is fuelled by hundreds of thousands of girl champions who recognize the untapped potential of adolescent girls living in poverty.
The website girleffect.org provides tools and information needed to unleash the girl effect. There are case studies that show the girl effect in action, plus toolkits, videos and papers to download and use in your own work.

So, let’s make the case for girls.