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How Abuse Turned Me into An Abuser

When when two troubled souls met, things escalated quickly.

by Filipe December 17, 2018
Christine Blasey Ford and the Iceberg Phenomenon of Victim Blaming

There are many different ways of victim blaming a survivor of sexual violence.

by Vita Kartika Cahyarani October 17, 2018
Violence Together 23 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Me Too - The Male Perspective

Where are the voices of men after the #MeToo movement?

by Keith Loveard July 24, 2018
Harassment Redridinghood Thumbnail 24, Magdalene
My Daughter Was Harassed and I Am Furious - I Hope You Are Too

Women are always told to bear the responsibility of men's inability to control themselves from helping themselves to what is not theirs.

by Dianthus Saputra May 15, 2018
How to Support a Sexual Abuse Survivor?

Want to support a sexual abuse survivor? These are some of the things they need.

by L. Ayuningtyas April 6, 2018
Violence Court 91 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Issues // Politics and Society
LBH APIK: Indonesian Legal System Unfair to Women Victims of Violence

Instead of justice, women victims of violence are often further abused or even criminalized in court.

by Camely Artha February 19, 2018
Prince Charming Men Love Relationship 62 Thumbnail, Magdalene
How Gaslighting Tricked Me to Stay in an Abusive Relationship

For five years she stayed in a troubled relationship, only to find out years later that she was emotionally abused all this time.

by Aulia Ardista October 18, 2017
How I Come to Grips with My Depression

After managing to bring herself and her family away from their abusive father, she began to feel the impact to her mental health. This is a story of her survival.

by Arlita Rachmawati Rahman August 30, 2017
Getting Over My Abusive Father

Having been raised by a father who emotionally and mentally abused her, she had to work hard to get over her painful childhood.

by Nuki Mayasari March 22, 2017
Child Divorce 75 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Suicide Attempts and Cutting: Growing Up in an Abusive Household

Growing up in a house where love is absent and with an abusive father made her turn to cutting and suicidal attempts to numb the emotional pain.

by Chiara Anindya January 27, 2017