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Pentingnya Dorong Keterlibatan Perempuan Muda dalam Sektor Pertanian
Menciptakan iklim kondusif bagi perempuan muda desa untuk bertani akan menyejahterakan mereka dan memperkuat ketahanan pangan.
Pesan Kontes Kecantikan: Dunia Dirancang untuk Perempuan Cantik
Beauty, brain, behavior? Dua kriteria terakhir tidak berarti dalam kontes kecantikan.
You're Free to Love Your Country the Way You Like It
How do you love your country, especially when it betrays you time and again?
I Am Skinny and I Don't Believe There's Such Thing as 'Skinny Shaming'
No such thing as "skinny shaming", what you do have is "thin privilege" - a response to previous article on the issue.
How Energy Supplying Programs in Remote Areas Can Have Exploitative Effects to their Beneficiaries
Well intentioned programs to help women in remote areas can have an exploitative effect without active and democratic participation of the beneficiaries in the planning and execution phase.