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Pope Catholic 69 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Being a Pro-Choice Catholic in Indonesia

Ah, to be Catholic and pro-choice, going against one of the church's central tenets.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist June 8, 2018
The Fallen 'It' Mystery: Lifting Taboos on Contraception

A short movie highlights common prejudice and stereotypes surrounding the topic of contraception in cheeky manner.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari November 30, 2015
Youth Reproductive Center Computer Internet 84 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Lifestyle // Health and Beauty
Pelayanan Kesehatan Reproduktif Harus Jangkau Anak Muda

Dalam masyarakan Indonesia yang konservatif, layanan kesehatan seksual dan reproduktif telah secara keliru ditargetkan untuk pasangan yang belum menikah, padahal seharusnya juga tersedia untuk setiap anak muda, yang sudah menikah ataupun belum.

by Haryani Dannisa November 30, 2015
The Economy of Birth Control

Birth control isn't just good for women, it's good for the economy too.

by Magdalene January 23, 2015
Child Free Thumbnail, Magdalene
Why No Kids

A website offers a platform to discuss the issue of being child free.

by Magdalene January 16, 2015