The new film by Director Kamila Andini explores the idea of an overlapping world between the seen and the unseen, the presence of the divine among the living when death feels near.
Dogs love their humans unconditionally. Can we do the same to them, even if they are not as pretty as the "ideal" dogs?
Saat waktu semakin dekat untuk pelaksanaan eksekusi berikutnya di Indonesia, seorang mantan narapidana mengisahkan pertobatannya, berkat seorang terpidana hukuman mati asal Australia.
Seorang jurnalis menggali latar belakang dukungan Indonesia terhadap hukuman mati untuk pengedar narkoba.
A journalist explores what may lie beneath Indonesian's eager support for capital punishment for drug traffickers.
She fell ill shortly after our elementary graduation. The illness did not have a name back then, or at least the adults dared not name it in front of us kids.