Raising awareness may relieve us of the false belief that inequality is easily overcome with hard work and drive, when it can be the other way around.
Berlatar belakang teknik, Ivan Lanin jatuh cinta pada bahasa Indonesia dan menjadi salah satu advokat bahasa paling aktif.
Menciptakan iklim kondusif bagi perempuan muda desa untuk bertani akan menyejahterakan mereka dan memperkuat ketahanan pangan.
Women in STEM often feel left out and alienate because of existing social barriers.
Penyandang disabilitas di negara ini belum mendapatkan hak-hak mereka, termasuk dalam hal mobilitas, akses pekerjaan yang layak, akses pendidikan, hak berwisata hingga perlindungan hukum.
Pentingnya memahami hasil pap smear yang menunjukkan kelainan.
What if, instead of merely focusing on success, we prepare our kids for failure and to rise up from it?
Only by involving women and listening to their voices in policy making can we ensure that they are not left behind.
More children are raised in unconventional types of families today, so schools should take this into account when introducing the concept of a family to them.
When properly taught, sex education can help address issues from teen pregnancy to sexual violence.