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Issues // Politics and Society
Sepak Bola Perempuan Semakin Diminati, Namun Disparitas Tetap Ada

Perhatian publik dan media terhadap sepak bola perempuan meningkat, namun ketimpangan pendapatan antara atlet perempuan dan laki-laki masih ada.

by Wulan Kusuma Wardhani, Reporter June 14, 2019
Laki – laki dan menstruasi: Apakah akan terus ada tabu di antara kita?

Sering kali kita dengar bahwa menstruasi dianggap hanya urusan perempuan saja. Padahal laki – laki memiliki peranan penting untuk mendukung pemberdayaan perempuan terutama ketika menstruasi.

by Angelina Yusridar Mustafa May 28, 2019
How I Stopped Using Skincare as a Coping Mechanism

Like any other coping mechanism, skincare can be a bad addiction.

by Cintya Cahyani May 1, 2019
FAT body image Thumbnail, Magdalene
Lifestyle // Health and Beauty
5 Kebiasaan ‘Body Shaming’ yang Harus Kita Hentikan

Komentar ‘body shaming’ terlihat tidak berbahaya tapi bisa berdampak buruk pada korbannya, yakni menurunkan kepercayaan diri sampai depresi.

by Shafira Amalia March 29, 2019
Lifestyle // Health and Beauty
5 Tips Aman Berolahraga Lari untuk Perempuan

Banyak perempuan yang mengeluhkan pelecehan seksual saat berolahraga lari di tempat umum.

by Elma Adisya, Reporter March 15, 2019
Anti-Vaccine and Flat Earth: Why Do These Theories Persist?

Journalists who traced the path to anti-vaccine and flat Earth videos were surprised to see how easy it is to get them.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist February 28, 2019
Solitude Lonely Thumbnail 91, Magdalene
It's Okay to be Alone: An Introvert's Reflection

While down with illness, our columnist contemplates what's it's like to have finally accepted his solitary state.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist November 23, 2018
Why 'Be Grateful' isn't Always the Best Suggestion

Dismissing your emotional turmoil because there are others worse off than you can bring harmful in the long run.

by Ireisha Anindya October 8, 2018
The State of Abortion in Malaysia

Abortion is legal in Malaysia, but comes with a heavy restriction, resulting in women resorting to illegal and risk abortion to terminate unplanned pregnancy.

by Herinza Syadza October 1, 2018
The Anatomy of Blood (Menstruation Edition)

As girlhood expires, womanhood begins - a new poem.

by Ireisha Anindya September 24, 2018