Many of us follow choice feminism without recognizing the prevailing systemic inequality that gave birth to the feminist movement.
The pressure as a daughter in a Balinese family sometimes suffocates her.
A new book by Egyptian author Shereen El Feki talks about how the Arabs are sexing up in a changing world.
Many publications have changed for the better how they speak about sexual abuse in the last few years, perhaps in part thanks to #metoo. But some too often ultimately feed into, rather than disrupt, rape culture.
Ujaran kebencian di rumah-rumah ibadah menimbulkan dilema berat bagi sebagian orang-orang LGBT yang, seperti manusia lainnya, memiliki kebutuhan untuk beragama.
Despite some progress in its efforts to reduce inequality, Indonesia's global rank remains low as it has failed to show commitment on other pressing issues.
Partai politik berperan vital dalam keterwakilan perempuan karena menentukan berhasil tidaknya implementasi kebijakan afirmatif.
The government has denied the basic rights of religious minorities who have been victims of persecution.
Now, more than ever, it is crucial for journalists to remain independent, the organization said.
Sebuah program perjalanan bertujuan memperkenalkan warisan budaya dan agama yang kaya akan nilai-nilai feminisme.