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Issues // Gender and Sexuality
Ruang (Ny)aman: Perjanjian Pranikah, Perlukah?

Perjanjian pranikah tidak hanya sebagai antisipasi perceraian tapi untuk menjaga kestabilan keuangan rumah tangga.

by Amel October 25, 2018
LGBT Agama Sarah Arifin 5 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Issues // Politics and Society
Adakah Ruang Bagi LGBT untuk Beragama?

Ujaran kebencian di rumah-rumah ibadah menimbulkan dilema berat bagi sebagian orang-orang LGBT yang, seperti manusia lainnya, memiliki kebutuhan untuk beragama.

by Amel October 19, 2018
No Country for LGBT: Moral Panic and Persecution of Sexual Minority in Indonesia

In the past two years, discrimination and persecution cases against LGBT people have been on the rise. This is the first of Magdalene's in-depth series documenting the issue.

by Devi Asmarani and the Magdalene Team August 1, 2018
Criminal Code Revision and the Excessive Fear of Romantic Sex

The revision of KUHP is not mere a political play. It is a crusade.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist February 8, 2018
Concerns rising over Criminal Bill's Ban on Consensual Sex Outside of Marriage

If passed, the draft bill on the Revision of the Criminal Code will criminalize consensual sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, and may even target victims of sexual violence, and couples of traditional marriage unrecognized by the state.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari January 30, 2018
Cruel and Unnecessary: Why Death Penalty Should be Abolished

Death penalty is not only a human rights violation; it is also ineffective in imposing a deterrent effect.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari October 11, 2017
UU Kekerasan Seksual Thumbnail, Magdalene
Komnas Perempuan: Government Must End Discriminative Policies, Identity Politics

Discriminative policies and identity politics are at a critical level, and the government must do something to end them, says the women's rights body.

by Camely Arta July 13, 2017
Issues // Politics and Society
Magdalene Primer: Sexual Harassment Victim Found Guilty after Report by Her Abuser

In this edition of "Magdalene Primer", we break down the case involving a teacher who was sentenced to jail after report by her own harasser.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari June 2, 2017
Child Bride Survivors File Judicial Review against Marriage Law

Three child bride survivors filed a judicial review against marriage law to make child marriage illegal.

by Camely Artha April 21, 2017
Celebrating Freedom to Love at Pink Dot SG

The annual Pink Dot SG was held for the eighth year in Singapore last week, reflecting some shifts in social attitude towards homosexuality and inspiring some Indonesians to have a similar event back home.

by Yohannie Linggasari June 7, 2016