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How Period Pain Ruins My Life
Severe period pain is not normal. Get it checked as soon as possible
Laki – laki dan menstruasi: Apakah akan terus ada tabu di antara kita?
Sering kali kita dengar bahwa menstruasi dianggap hanya urusan perempuan saja. Padahal laki – laki memiliki peranan penting untuk mendukung pemberdayaan perempuan terutama ketika menstruasi.
That Unbearable Menstrual Pain? It Might Be Endometriosis
If you or someone you know are experiencing severe pain during menstruation, please have it medically checked.
The Anatomy of Blood (Menstruation Edition)
As girlhood expires, womanhood begins - a new poem.
Coping with My Monthly Demons: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
For years she couldn't find out why she feels awful for half of the month, until she finds out about PMDD.