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Help is on the Way: When Depression or Mania Rears Its Ugly Head

An illness, whether its physical or mental, is like a monster that is trying to invade a palace. The more you fight it, the bigger it gets.

by Binky Bee March 20, 2019
Issues // Politics and Society
Cerita Agni Membantuku Hadapi Trauma

Seorang penyintas pemerkosaan mendapat penguatan dari cerita ‘Agni’, sesama mahasiswa di Universitas Gadjah Mada.

by Hana March 18, 2019
Beware of the Silent Killer that is Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuser will slowly kill you on the inside, so run for your life.

by Vania Adiella December 4, 2018
Solitude Lonely Thumbnail 91, Magdalene
It's Okay to be Alone: An Introvert's Reflection

While down with illness, our columnist contemplates what's it's like to have finally accepted his solitary state.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist November 23, 2018
Why 'Be Grateful' isn't Always the Best Suggestion

Dismissing your emotional turmoil because there are others worse off than you can bring harmful in the long run.

by Ireisha Anindya October 8, 2018
To My Bullies: Thank You and Here's My Giant 'F-You'

In middle school she had dark and suicidal thoughts because of constant bullying, but she has since learned that to silence a bully is to rise above them.

by Nindy Rahmadani September 13, 2018
100% Manusia Film Festival Celebrates Diversity and Inclusivity

The second 100% Manusia Film Festival focuses on raising awareness on gender, mental health, disability and HIV/AIDS issues.

by Camely Artha September 11, 2018
Breathing Through Grief: What I Learned from Losing My Mother

Losing a mother is hard, but even harder is the regret of not having spent enough time with her.

by Dhiah Karsiwulan September 7, 2018
Why Predicting Suicide is a Difficult and Complex Challenge

The suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain shocked and saddened many. And the news was disturbing. Why is it so hard to know who might commit suicide?

by Joseph Franklin June 11, 2018
How Chronic Illnesses Teach Me Life Best Lessons

Having suffered two chronic medical conditions have forced her to continue to learn about herself and to live life to the fullest every day.

by Ambarella May 29, 2018