Pemilu 2019 bukan hanya soal memilih presiden dan wakil presiden, tapi empat posisi legislatif yang harus dipastikan tidak diisi figur-figur dengan rekam jejak buruk.
Indoktrinasi patriarkal seperti ketaatan mutlak pada suami adalah salah satu faktor pendorong perempuan terlibat dalam terorisme.
Xinjiang prison camps are a humanitarian, not religious, concerns. Currently one million people are feared to be detained in these camps without formal charge and trial.
When it comes to the Israeli occupation of the Palestine, we need to be reminded of our own history of anti-colonialism solidarity.
Sebuah klub kajian Islam dibentuk untuk memahami agama secara rasional dan kritis sehingga umat akan semakin inklusif dan toleran.
The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) study found that religion has become a central part of political campaigns nationwide, worsened by increasing conservatism and intolerance.
Ujaran kebencian di rumah-rumah ibadah menimbulkan dilema berat bagi sebagian orang-orang LGBT yang, seperti manusia lainnya, memiliki kebutuhan untuk beragama.
Only by involving women and listening to their voices in policy making can we ensure that they are not left behind.
Ideologi merupakan motif teratas yang mendorong perempuan terlibat dalam kelompok teroris.
Creeping religious conservatism in public schools has led to increasing intolerance among students and teachers. This is the first part of a series of reporting on the impact of increasing Islamist conservatism in educational institutions by Managing Editor Hera Diani.