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Human Trafficking 44 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Why China Builds a Prison Complex in Xinjiang

Xinjiang prison camps are a humanitarian, not religious, concerns. Currently one million people are feared to be detained in these camps without formal charge and trial.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist December 13, 2018
Solitude Lonely Thumbnail 91, Magdalene
It's Okay to be Alone: An Introvert's Reflection

While down with illness, our columnist contemplates what's it's like to have finally accepted his solitary state.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist November 23, 2018
Issues // Politics and Society
Pentingnya Dorong Keterlibatan Perempuan Muda dalam Sektor Pertanian

Menciptakan iklim kondusif bagi perempuan muda desa untuk bertani akan menyejahterakan mereka dan memperkuat ketahanan pangan.

by Elma Adisya, Reporter November 2, 2018
Issues // Politics and Society
Apakah Ibu Masih Mencintaiku Jika Aku Tak Lagi Beragama?

Apa yang terjadi ketika perubahan keyakinan memperumit hubungan dengan orang tua.

by Laras Mukti October 9, 2018
When Your Friends Turn into Social Climbers

Social climbers are obsessed with living perfect and successful lives and they achieve this by befriending those they find useful, but they may not be the happiest people after all.

by Rayi Noormega September 14, 2018
Issues // Gender and Sexuality
Monopoli Maskulinitas: Ketika Aku Dipanggil 'Mas'

Laki-laki tidak memiliki monopoli atas maskulinitas; perempuan tidak memiliki monopoli atas feminitas.

by Gita September 12, 2018
Running Feet 51 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Issues // Politics and Society
Catatan Asian Games 2018: 'SPORT IS NOT LAKI'

Jangan lagi kita memberi ruang pada iklan dan media yang diskriminatif dan menguatkan stereotip.

by Marisna Yulianti September 5, 2018
HIV Thumbnail 69 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Issues // Politics and Society
Koalisi Aktivis: Perumusan Isu Kontrasepsi dalam RKUHP Tak Libatkan Ahli Kesehatan

Koalisi aktivis mengatakan perumusan RKUHP tidak melibatkan ahli kesehatan dan berpotensi menggagalkan misi pemerintah dalam menghentikan epidemi HIV/AIDS.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari July 31, 2018
Football as the Last Bastion of Masculinity

This year's FIFA World Cup has reminded us again why football is still largely connected to sexism and toxic masculinity.

by Mario Rustan, Columnist July 11, 2018
Owning Our Insecurities and Needing Help for It is More Than Okay

It wasn't the fact that I had insecurities that made me not a "real" feminist, but forgetting that feminists are regular human beings with fears and insecurities of their own.

by Sandra May 21, 2018