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So Long, Japan, Land of Corporate Warriors: A Working Mom’s Story

She used to believe gender equality existed in Japan – until she gave birth to her first child.

by Haru June 23, 2020
Safe Space
‘Working from Home’ bagi Ibu Bekerja adalah Mitos

Wabah virus Corona ini bisa jadi momentum untuk meninjau ulang bahwa pekerjaan rumah bukan hanya milik perempuan, namun juga lintas seks dan gender.

by Lia Toriana June 3, 2020
Woman Enterpreneur Business Woman Working_SarahArifin
Safe Space
How Work from Home Impacts Stay-At-Home Mom Heavily

While their husbands and kids spend all of their time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, stay-at-home moms have seen their work drastically increased with little support from the rest of the family.

by Julio Achmadi June 3, 2020
Issues // Politics and Society
Ibu Bekerja di Indonesia Butuh Subsidi Penitipan Anak

Subsidi penitipan anak perlu diterapkan oleh pemerintah untuk mengurangi beban ganda perempuan pekerja.

by Andi Cipta Asmawaty August 30, 2019
Can Women Have It All? Working and Mothering in Jakarta

The gender norm that requires married women to look after the household magnifies the cost for women. As a result, women choose to leave the labor.

by Diahhadi Setyonaluri August 21, 2019