Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
September 13, 2021

Perempuan itu Harus...

Selayaknya om dan tante yang kadang suka nyebelin nanya "kapan nikah", "kapan lulus", atau "kapan punya anak", saudara-saudara Indah juga mulai nyinyir karena melihat Indah contoh perempuan yang memilih bekerja dan harus ke kantor. Sementara, suaminya di rumah menjaga anak karena bisa work from home.

by Magdalene
Culture // Graphic Series

MAGDALENE is an online publication that offers fresh perspectives beyond the typical gender and cultural confines. We channel the voices of feminists, pluralists and progressives, or just those who are not afraid to be different, regardless of their genders, colors, or sexual preferences. We aim to engage, not alienate.