Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
July 11, 2016

Tarotscope 11th - 17th July

This week get ready to bring fun back and say "yes" more to life.

by Atanti Widyadhari, Columnist

Last week may be a painful celebration for us, but life is way too impatient to stop and wait until we swallow our feelings whole. So why don’t we bring fun back to everything we do instead? I hope you’re ready for a taste of the self-love fire, everyone!
As Venus and Mercury prance their way to the fun, vivacious Leo this week, all I can hear is the sound of fun and optimism coming our way. Leo simply does not wait for anyone to crawl their way to their House of Fun. You have to run, dance, or even launch yourself with a catapult to get Leo’s signature blazing blessing.
Venus in Leo will warm your cold heart and melt the feelings back - reactivating it from your usual “Airplane Mode”, while Mercury in Leo will help to shield your low-confident demon with a fiery passion. We’ll say “yes” more to life and we’ll be ready for what’s ahead. Be obsessed in making your happiness the first priority.
If you want to make love happen, get ready to start dialing your crush’s number because why not? If you want to launch yourself into the entrepreneurial scene, start by selling the things that spark joy for you and share your smile with the rest of us. Everything is possible, if you’d only stop listening to your doubtful voice.
This week, let’s get the fire inside you burning. Hot enough to launch your ideas into reality or to attract the cute neighbor next door. Don’t go too hot or you’ll burn yourself, though!
Now who wants a piece of roasted marshmallow?

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Fortune & The Fool
This week, the best opportunities would come to you if you actually know nothing about it. (okay, let’s channel our inner Jon Snow here) I didn’t mean it to sound oblivious, but the less you know, the less scared you are. You tend to overthink when things go south and it won’t help you at all right now. If love is what you’re seeking, maybe it helps not to know about your crush’s gross habit. You’ll find out about it at the end of the day, but at least you’ll take the chance by not knowing.
Oh no, so now you know. Oh well. (shrugs)
You should listen to:
What You Don’t Do - Lianne La Havas
You should wear:
It’s easier to pick up the closest clothes behind your door, but that’s not what you should do when you need a little bit pick-me-up today. Let’s do a throwback, shall we? Here’s the rule: fish out our favorite item back in early 2000s (if you still have one) and match it with our current collection. If it makes you look good and feel good a few years ago, chances are, it’s going to make you feel the same today.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
Knight of Disks
Everything around you may force you to think that now is the best time to give up, but that’s just your little cub controlling you. Where’s that big bad lioness when you need them? Right now you just need a down time to figure things out. This calm water will not stay calm forever, you know.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
The Devil
The temptation of success is all around you, Virgo. But (there’s a but), you have to take things slow this time. Don’t grab all the opportunities at once, because you may kill your creative brain one cell at a time. Build your success brick by brick and trust your gut. You’re in control.
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)
The Chariot
You’ll never be alone, Libra. No matter what your mind is telling you, exciting things would always find their way to you. So let’s get to the bottom of this feeling. What is it that stresses you up? Is it because of the work load? Not enough time to socialize? Hope this helps you to figure out what to do next!
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Eight of Disks (Prudence)
Life consists of too much waiting time, so if things are happening pretty slow with your life, don’t be surprised. It’s a calm before a storm, I would say. Use this time to prepare your ammo, just in case someone come banging at your door. Do what you do best and don’t get fidgety. Things will pick up the pace soon.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Flexibility is the only thing you’ll need to advance your career. Sometimes things don’t work out your way. That’s why it’s important for you to always have a back up plan ready. If you don’t have one, gather your colleagues, ask what can be done to address the situation, and find the solution together.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
The Lovers
Hey if you happen to miss your chance, it’s okay! We don’t always have to get what we want. Another lost opportunity can bring back another golden opportunity. So if this isn’t your luck, be patient. The Universe may reward you with a better deal. Now get that mojo going and get ready for the next one!
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
We don’t have time to wait until you’re done with your planning. Everybody’s looking forward to see what you’ve been doing and they’re ready to support you until the very end. All you have to do is to go up there and show them what you can do. If you need help with stage fright, hold my hand. We got this.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Princess of Wands
Right now, you’re kind of stuck in the middle of a situation, so if anyone throws you a rope, take it! You may not get the opportunity the second time, you know. Also, try not to force your ego on someone else for this week. Stay humble and be thankful. Simple act can make your life waaay easier.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Ace of Swords
All the happy pills you’ve taken are useless until you get what you want. Well I guess it’s great if the hunger drives you to be better each day. But don’t forget about the reality too. Have you aimed too high? Does everyone say it’s impossible? I don’t think it is, but I think you need to alter your priorities a bit.
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
The Magus
We can’t always tell what just happened, but usually our intuition works faster than our mind. You may not know what you actually know, Taurus. Listen to the wind, catch the obvious signs, and try to be mindful next time because you don’t want to repeat your ignorance and miss the same bus, right?
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)
Princess of Swords
Pick up the pieces from your past relationships and see where it went wrong. Think in retrospect. Maybe it’s not them – maybe it’s you. Once you understand what actually happened, try not to repeat your past mistakes to the next one. They’re not perfect, but neither do you.

Çanti is a free spirited tarot reader and astrology writer based in Bali. She founded Foxglove Tarot, an online tarot reading service for the spiritually curious. She uses Thoth Tarot to decode your weekly astrology findings and Bohemian Cats Tarot for her daily heart-to-heart session. Say “hi” to her on Facebook, Twitter, and her website