Dear hardworking, overachieving, ambitious Magdalene readers, this week’s Tarotscope forecast is all about you!
Have you ever experienced one of those weeks when things are moving fast forward, and whether or not you’re ready, you have to buckle up and pray everything is going to go according to your plan? Well, hope you’re ready for that kind of week today! I wouldn’t say that this week is going to be hard (heck life is hard already), but it’s not going to be easy on you either. With a Mercury T-Square and Full Moon in Sagittarius on Monday, Sun in Cancer transit on Tuesday, and a whole lot of aspects this Monday, brace yourself for one of my longest Tarotscope forecast below.
Mercury in Gemini is still at the center of this week’s forecast with a complicated yet tense T-Square aspects between Mercury, Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, and Neptune retrograde in Pisces on Monday the 20th. It sounds like complicated mumbo jumbo, but basically it’s just a triangle formed of one opposition and two squares between Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune.
A strong T-Square between these planets and signs explains why we are so eager in doing everything we can to achieve our goal, but there seems to be a lot of stress and tension here and there, which eventually causes us to stray away from our actual goal. It’s like one of those “oh shit” moment when you take up too many part time jobs to save up for your tuition fee, but you end up being too sick to even attend the classes. Fret not! Once you know what to do, the grand T-Square won’t scare you no more.
The key to surviving this week is to pay close attention to what you do, not what you want to happen. Mercury in Gemini may give you the ability to multitask different projects at once. But here’s the thing, the opposition with Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius will cause you to spend too much time doing what you do, to the point where you will neglect your actual responsibilities. Your time would be spent scrutinizing every single details, because Mercury’s perfectionist yet nervous energy will make sure that everything is going perfectly fine, while your boss/lecturer is getting restless waiting for you.
Be careful, you don’t want Saturn’s karmic energy to cause you to lose your gigs because you’re not present enough, right?
Another thing that you should pay attention to is although the Full Moon in Sagittarius may inspire you to be more creative in your career/education, the Mercury's square aspect with Neptune retrograde in Pisces indicates how your creative juice will eventually run out at some point. Trust your intuition once it tells you to slow down to spend some me-time or to indulge yourself in a nice combination of spiritual and/or creative therapy. Read for the sake of reading, watch movies for the sake of entertainment, draw for the sake of pouring your heart and soul into your artwork, and don’t mix fun with work, if you want to recharge your juice properly.
If it doesn’t work out, come home to your family or your loved ones when the Sun transits in Cancer to be in conjunction with Venus on Tuesday the 21st. Surround yourself with familiar faces, because their love would help you to get through the day as we may feel insecure or moody from time to time. Since Cancer is all about comfort and security, put this two on top of your personal life list. You don’t have to go out if you don’t want to. You don’t have to talk to your toxic friends if it makes you feel uncomfortable. You don’t have to wear heels if it hurts your feet. Just stay comfy and happy!

Six of Disks (Success)
Happy birthday Cancer! Are you ready to get busy? This week you’ll be faced with different decisions to make at once. Things may get a little bit confusing and the energy around you would feel a little bit scattered, but you need to calm down before you start throwing some word vomit. If you need anything, look for some guidance from your neighbors (the people who had been in your shoes) or read some more info about the issues you’re facing. Take a deep breath, in and out. Aim your eyes at the reward of not dealing with this shit anymore. Good luck!
You should listen to:
Under Control - The Internet
You should wear:
You need a casual outfit, something that’s comfy with a material that feels soft on your skin, but it doesn’t stop you from looking fabulous. You can be anxious and you can worry as much as you want about your problems, but you have to look as if you’re getting the hang of it. Wear a combination of light beige, dusty pink, and white. A light blouse with a khaki pants sounds like a great combination for you.

Ten of Cups (Satiety)
Get ready for more demand from everyone around you. As a leader of the pack, everyone would expect you to speak up and share your wisdom and knowledge. I understand how weird it feels for you. What if you’re not as good as what they say? Nah, don’t worry too much about it. Trust yourself and trust their judgement, Aries.

Queen of Cups
Things may get a little bit fishy these past few days so use your intuition and use it wisely. If someone asks you to help them, don’t trust their words immediately. Ask around, trust your gut, and be extra careful. Even though they are close, you still have to take their words with a pinch of salt.

Knight of Disks
Don’t forget about those who have helped you to get out of your mess. They may be doing you a favor out of love, but the Universe compels you to return it. A good karma ia worth another good karma in return, so I heard. Arrange a day out, a soirée, or a dinner to say a simple thank you and watch their smile grow.

Eight of Cups (Indolence)
Some people feel intimidated by your demeanour, but, hey, what can a lioness do about it anyway? If you know anyone who feels this way, don’t take it personally, and don’t try to make it personal as well. If you can, improve on some of your flaws, but only within certain area that you’re comfortable with. Don’t ever try to change who you are, Leo.

Ace of Cups
There’s nothing bad about being average. If everyone in this world is special, nobody would be interested in average-paying jobs. If you happen to fall into the average category at some point, don’t panic. Your perfectionist side may be screaming right now, but it’s perfectly fine to be average. Sometimes, we are not unicorns and that is okay.

The Star
When you fall, you'll rise quickly. You don’t let the bad experience ruins your comeback and you don’t give a shit about what other people say about you too. Believe it or not, but this attitude has inspired others to walk behind you. They want to be as strong as you and as carefree as you. So keep doing what you do! Stay original, Libra.

Knight of Wands
You can do this, Scorpio! If success is what you want, don’t give up easily on your dreams. Obstacles and hurdles are just a way of the Universe telling us that we need to work harder than ever. Give yourself a short break to regain your spirit by doing your hobbies. All of these hopeless feelings are just your tired soul yearning for a break. Once again, you can do this!

Six of Swords (Science)
Let’s not talk about the things that would hurt you. Let’s avoid that shit for now. I said for now, because eventually you’ll have to face it and acknowledge the pain. But hey, let’s talk about the things that excite you! What is your favorite dessert? Do you love to travel? Let’s avert our eyes from the reality for a while, shall we?

Three of Wands (Virtue)
Money in your hands; money in your mind. It seems that this week is like a soil ground for you to plant your money, but the more you plan it, the more stressful you are. My advice would be, listen to your intuition, but try to be casual about it. The more anxious you are, the more likely for you to make the wrong decision.

Nine of Wands (Strength)
If strength is all you need to get through your day even for just a minute more, look to your loved ones. They are willing to stay beside you and help you during this trying times. But the most important thing that you have to do is to admit your weakness first. Only by admitting to yourself can you slowly gather your strength from within.

Five of Wands (Defeat)
If you don’t want the people around you to ignore you, do something about it! Get your ideas heard, get yourself noticed, don’t just sit and wait for them to glance their eyes to you. They would come to you eventually, but you’ll have to give it a try first. It’s not an easy work, yes, but if you need it, go get it!