A few significant changes are coming our way amidst the conflicting T-Square between Sun, Neptune, and Mars + Saturn this week. Remember Mercury Retrograde? Yes, our arch nemesis, the Miss-Communication is coming back on the 31st. But with Venus moving to Libra on August 30th and a New Moon in Virgo on September 1st, how is this entanglement going to affect our love and relationship? Read below to find your love Tarotscope on Venus transit edition.
When Venus prances through Libra, you’ll start to notice bubbles and rose petals in the air; enough to make your romcom dreams come true. Libra is a sign of love, just like Taurus, and Venus is the ruler of the kingdom. With Venus coming home to her love nest, it’s safe to say that your love aspect will run smoothly if you make enough effort to do a fair take and give. But how to maintain the peace that Venus needs to work its magic in your relationship if everything else crumbles?
We long for the feeling of being loved, but we often forget that love comes with a sacrifice. The difficult aspects are here to open your eyes on which sacrifice is worth your time. The opposition between Neptune retrograde in Pisces with the Sun in Virgo may get your reality distorted, causing you to fall head over heels or feel unusually comfortable with someone who does not feel the same way as you do.
If you’re in love, ask yourself this: “Are you in love with them or are you in love with their perfect imagery?” Neptune retrograde will cloud your judgment, despite the tension caused by Mars and Saturn to pop your bubblegum dream.
With Mercury retrograde at play, you’ll have enough time to think about who you want to keep and who you should let go in your relationship aspect. Despite its popularity as A: "a culprit which triggers delay in communication," and B: “a planetary event which has a penchant for bringing back past memories to the present day," the pain that comes from Mercury Retrograde gives you a chance to think in retrospect. So think about it, before you make your life-changing decision.
New Moon in Virgo takes care of your wellbeing, both physically and emotionally. If the arguments that take place in your relationship cause you to stress over the littlest things, make a quick and firm decision to put an end to this – whether an end to your quarrel or your relationship. Cut off the negativity in your life and start afresh with less stress.
If your lover passes the test during this celestial discordance, embrace them and make peace as you go. Your petty misunderstandings are worth nothing compared to the love that you have sowed. This is when you sacrifice your ego, not your heart, because Venus in Libra appreciates the love that comes from diplomacy and selfless understanding. But if there’s too much to lose to keep the love alive, then maybe it's time to sacrifice your heart.

Seven of Wands (Valour)
You’ll notice all the signs around you that tells you to be careful with your heart this week. You don’t play with love, Virgo. You never do. You won’t jump into a relationship so easily when red flags keep popping up wherever you go. You’re always careful, and this time, it’s for a good reason. The card tells me that there’s no harm in being cautious, especially when you know that you’ll never win in this relationship.
Six of Swords (Science)
If you’re in a relationship, be careful of the secrets that your significant other refuses to tell you. It may be irrelevant for them, but as an overthinking sign, Virgos need to know how to play this right. Stay cool as a cucumber, try not to make a judgment before listening to their version of the story. Who knows, what they’re hiding may not mean anything after all.
You should listen to:
“Pray You Catch Me” - Beyonce
You should wear:
No sass, just class. Get your fashion game strong with a classic crisp blazer, a casual t-shirt beneath, and a pair of dark blue jeans. Stick to your earthy beige tone for your signature color palette. Need a new item in your collection? A simple gold or rose gold accessories is worth a try!

If you’re feeling emotionally tired from this relationship, don’t worry, this too shall pass. Enjoy the cooling down period to recalibrate your heart and put the puzzle pieces in place. Take a rest and take things easy, Libra. Focus on what makes you get along and avoid confrontation as much as you can. Rest well!

The Hanged Man
We know how hard it is for you to trust someone, so thank you for trusting your significant other! They need your love and support to move forward, and you’ve given them the world to grow. Keep them from being distracted from their goal and be there for them when they need your advice. If it’s not you, who else?

Knight of Cups
You can’t find the love you want if you’re not open to improvisation. Yup, you have your own checklist, but if you wait for the perfect one, you may miss an encounter with the second or third best (which could easily be the first winner too!). See if you can exempt one or two points to open a path for someone new. Hope it works!

Two of Disks (Change)
If your lover has been telling you to change your attitude, maybe you should consider it. Your loved one has been trying to convince you to be less stubborn; however, this plea eventually causes more headache. Unless you have a good reason not to listen to them, understand that they care about you and want the best for you.

Seven of Cups (Debauch)
If you can’t seem to get out of an uncomfortable situation, it’s because your eyes are blinded by their beauty. Look, pretty people can be a jerk too – it is known. It’s time to surround yourself with people who actually love you. So go out there, talk to new people, and work your charm. That ex-lover of yours is definitely replaceable, okay?

The Fool
Rejoice! After a recent havoc, now is the time to rebuild your love life. So what can you give to this new relationship? I suggest we’ll put our selfish self aside while we’re still in this discovery stage. It doesn’t mean that your opinion doesn’t matter, it means that you have to put them first before you. This is going to worth your time, I promise.

Five of Swords (Defeat)
The more you enforce your opinion to them, the more likely you’ll lose them. Diplomacy is the key to strengthening your relationship, especially when conflict arises. Listen to what they have to say and keep your thoughts to yourself until they’re ready to listen to you. Be their friend for a while and get their trust first before making your move.

Prince of Wands
Seems like a new romantic endeavor is coming to single Taurus this week! You can’t be sure yet, because it’s your nature to be inquisitive before you take any chance. But don’t take too long. This love is persistent, but it’ll get restless too. I’ll say, take them by their hand and open your door, girl! Go for a couple of dates and see how it goes.

Knight of Swords
Relationship can be kind of boring, I know. Especially if there’s nothing new, or when things are moving on a very slow pace. Let’s not give up on your love yet. Go out there and travel with your loved one, Gemini. Find new foods to eat, new places to visit, and probably new ways to make love. (wink wink)

Seven of Disks (Failure)
Stop overthinking at once, Cancer. It’s not always your fault, you know that right? Sometimes things don’t happen the way we want it to, but if you choose to celebrate it by wallowing in self-pity, your relationship is not going to move an inch. Get out of your own head and listen to what your loved ones are telling you. It’s going to be okay.

Six of Cups (Pleasure)
Feeling flirtatious much? That’s great for single Leo! But definitely not for those who are in a relationship. Enjoy this amazing feeling of being comfortable in your own skin because everyone definitely notices how confident you are. This week, single Leos can easily attract new people without breaking a sweat. Go work that magic, girl!