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Women_Community_Knitting_Support Group_SarahArifin
Community // Events
House of the Unsilenced: Speak Up and Support

Celebrating 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence with creative and empowering event

by Magdalene November 27, 2019
Biennale Jogja
Community // Events
Biennale Jogja EQUATOR #5 2019: Do We Live in The Same Play Ground?

Menyentil persoalan “pinggiran” di Asia Tenggara, mulai dari identitas gender, ras, agama, konflik sosial-politik, perburuhan, lingkungan, hingga praktik kesenian, dengan pameran seni.

by Magdalene October 21, 2019
Kintsugi Atreyu
Kintsugi: Painting the Cracks Golden in Atreyu Moniaga Project

Through Kintsugi, a Japanese pottery repairing method, artists participating in Atreyu Moniaga Project this year embrace the aesthetics and philosophy of imperfection.

by Nikita Devi July 30, 2019
Buku Mewarnai Bertema Feminisme Ingin Luruhkan yang Biner

Sebuah kolektif memakai medium buku mewarnai untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan hak dan keadilan bagi kelompok LBT.

by Shafira Amalia July 24, 2019
AMP proudly presents: Mixed Feelings 04 - KINTSUGI

KINTSUGI talks about second chances and the beauty of reparation as something to be celebrated instead of being disguised.

by Magdalene July 16, 2019
How Should We Respond to Traditional Performance with Misogynistic Message?

When a lenong performance she was watching has a rapist marrying his victim, she was left disturbed for months, unsure how to take it.

by Murni Amalia July 3, 2019
Women_Community_Knitting_Support Group_SarahArifin
Shaping Spaces Through Knitting: A Personal Reflection

Since taking up knitting she has finally found a sense of belonging in a traditionally female-dominated space.

by Mahardhika Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad June 18, 2019
DISTRAKSI 2 “Dalami Budaya untuk Karya Kita: 6 Suku Asal Indonesia”

Topik DISTRAKSI pertama didasarkan pada hasil penelitian Mitu M. Prie terhadap akar budaya Indonesia. Mitu menjelaskan kekayaan budaya Indonesia dan menegaskan pentingnya mengenalkan dan membawa kekayaan budaya tersebut lebih dekat ke generasi Millennial.

by Magdalene March 13, 2019
Female Leaders Share Experience in Advancing Women’s Participation in STEM

Gender-sensitive policies as well as supportive atmosphere are important to advance women’s participation in STEM.

by Wulan Kusuma Wardhani, Reporter February 25, 2019
Aktivisme Seni 101: Yuk, membuat perubahan dengan praktik senimu

Diskusi Aktivisme Seni 101: Membuat perubahan dengan praktik senimu. Bersama Yayasan Kelola di Aksara, Kemang

by Magdalene February 22, 2019