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How I Stopped Using Skincare as a Coping Mechanism

Like any other coping mechanism, skincare can be a bad addiction.

by Cintya Cahyani May 1, 2019
FAT body image Thumbnail, Magdalene
Lifestyle // Health and Beauty
5 Kebiasaan ‘Body Shaming’ yang Harus Kita Hentikan

Komentar ‘body shaming’ terlihat tidak berbahaya tapi bisa berdampak buruk pada korbannya, yakni menurunkan kepercayaan diri sampai depresi.

by Shafira Amalia March 29, 2019
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Perennial Problem of Body Shaming

Fairy tales is often loaded with message of body shaming.

by Dr Sonia Vashishta Oberoi January 29, 2019
Issues // Politics and Society
Pesan Kontes Kecantikan: Dunia Dirancang untuk Perempuan Cantik

Beauty, brain, behavior? Dua kriteria terakhir tidak berarti dalam kontes kecantikan.

by Aya Prita Belia October 23, 2018
Our Obsession with Flawless Skin: How Skincare Industry Sets Impossible Standard

Today the definition of healthy skin has grown more complex and demanding than ever, as the skincare industry profits off our insecurity.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari September 4, 2018
Why More Men Are Wearing Makeup Than Ever Before

Male makeup is set to be the next big beauty trend, but what impact will this have on men's self-esteem?

by Glen Jankowski August 7, 2018
Issues // Gender and Sexuality
Tubuh Kurus Tak Luput dari 'Body Shaming'

Tidak seksi, tidak enak dipandang, gampang terbawa angin. Kapan kita berhenti mengomentari fisik orang lain?

by Yuliana Martha Tresia July 2, 2018
Breaking the Taboo Surrounding Older Women: A Conversation with Alex Bruni

London-based academician and model Alex Bruni talked of ageism, beauty and sex in this interview.

by Intan Febriani June 27, 2018
Fat Comment 46 Thumbnail, Magdalene
What Chubby People Don't Wish to Hear During the Eid Celebration

This Lebaran, how about no longer making remarks about people's bodies?

by Ruby Astari June 12, 2018
Owning Our Insecurities and Needing Help for It is More Than Okay

It wasn't the fact that I had insecurities that made me not a "real" feminist, but forgetting that feminists are regular human beings with fears and insecurities of their own.

by Sandra May 21, 2018