Like any other coping mechanism, skincare can be a bad addiction.
Komentar ‘body shaming’ terlihat tidak berbahaya tapi bisa berdampak buruk pada korbannya, yakni menurunkan kepercayaan diri sampai depresi.
Fairy tales is often loaded with message of body shaming.
As girlhood expires, womanhood begins - a new poem.
Her clothing choice during her off days while volunteering for Asian Games landed her in hot water. But it was the reason cited that riled her.
Today the definition of healthy skin has grown more complex and demanding than ever, as the skincare industry profits off our insecurity.
Menyebut orang eksotis: mengakui keberadaan orang lain atau meliyankan?
Women are reluctant to wear shorts or clothes that reveal a little skin fearing the potential of sexual violence, although clothes have nothing to do with a person's chance of experiencing sexual violence.
Tumbuh besar dalam keluarga Batak dengan tradisi maskulinitas yang kental, seorang laki-laki dengan ekspresi gender feminin menghadapi banyak tantangan.
No such thing as "skinny shaming", what you do have is "thin privilege" - a response to previous article on the issue.