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Married Women’s Dilemma: Having Children or Pursuing Higher Education

For most women, being married often puts a damper on their personal goals, as they have to choose between having a child or pursuing higher education.

by Maria Cellina Wijaya, MD April 28, 2020
Lifestyle // Health and Beauty
Pendidikan Seks di Usia Dini Bisa Cegah Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak

Lewat pendidikan seks, anak-anak dapat mengerti bagian-bagian tubuh yang tidak seharusnya disentuh atau dilihat.

by Shafira Amalia May 18, 2019
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We should stop being afraid for our children

Being strong parents mean to expect, and not fear, the unexpected.

by Katrina Wahab March 21, 2019
Issues // Gender and Sexuality
Biarkan Mainan Anak Tidak Berkategori Gender

Pelabelan gender pada mainan anak berdampak pada ketimpangan perkembangan kognitif anak dan ketimpangan komposisi gender di dunia kerja.

by Rhifa Nadya Ulhaq November 7, 2018
Innosanto Nagara Introduces Activism Through Children Books

This children's book author and illustrator wants kids socially engaged and empowered from a young age.

by Hera Diani October 22, 2018
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Teach the Kids to Fail, And They'll Come Out Stronger

What if, instead of merely focusing on success, we prepare our kids for failure and to rise up from it?

by Miriam Bahagijo October 15, 2018
Issues // Politics and Society
Ambiguitas Hukum, Pemahaman Agama Keliru Dorong Tingginya Perkawinan Anak

Definisi hukum yang beragam mengenai batasan usia dan kekeliruan dalam memahami agama mendorong tingginya perkawinan anak di Indonesia.

by Amel August 17, 2018
Schools should Introduce Different Types of Families to Children

More children are raised in unconventional types of families today, so schools should take this into account when introducing the concept of a family to them.

by Antonina Suryantari August 16, 2018
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Proper Sex Education as a Child's Rights

When properly taught, sex education can help address issues from teen pregnancy to sexual violence.

by Antonina Suryantari July 30, 2018
Working Does Not Make You a Lesser Mom

There are values that children would comprehend during a mother's absence.

by Shafira Yasmine July 6, 2018