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Issues // Politics and Society
Saya Takut Menjadi Perempuan di Indonesia

Menjadi perempuan di Indonesia serba salah; berpakaian terbuka disebut nakal, berpakaian tertutup tetap mendapatkan pelecehan.

by Kanya Suryadewi January 11, 2019
Do Beauty Products Really Empower Us?

Makeup and skincare may make us feel powerful, but what good are they if we're still powerless in our day-to-day lives?

by Theodora Sarah Abigail December 20, 2018
Issues // Politics and Society
Antara Aurat, Agama, dan Hubungan Darah

Ketika hubungan sedarah menjadi retak karena perbedaan pendapat soal agama dibungkam.

by Eliza Vitri Handayani December 14, 2018
Issues // Politics and Society
Pengakuan Seorang Mantan Pembenci Feminis

Dulu aku merasa feminis itu lebay, namun sekarang aku tak ragu menyebut diriku feminis.

by Clianta de Santo November 5, 2018
Media Troll Women When Journalists Should Be Tackling Causes of Sexual Abuse

Many publications have changed for the better how they speak about sexual abuse in the last few years, perhaps in part thanks to #metoo. But some too often ultimately feed into, rather than disrupt, rape culture.

by Lindsey Blumell November 2, 2018
Issues // Gender and Sexuality
Monopoli Maskulinitas: Ketika Aku Dipanggil 'Mas'

Laki-laki tidak memiliki monopoli atas maskulinitas; perempuan tidak memiliki monopoli atas feminitas.

by Gita September 12, 2018
Issues // Politics and Society
Apa yang Sebenarnya Terjadi di Balik 'Eksotis'

Menyebut orang eksotis: mengakui keberadaan orang lain atau meliyankan?

by Ara August 21, 2018
My Curly Hair is Not the Problem; Our Beauty Standard Is

After years of almost daily struggle to bend her curly hair to her will, she has finally come to accept that it is not her hair that needs to change.

by Aya Sadariskar April 10, 2018
Why Men Should Reveal Their Sensitive Side

It actually "takes balls" for men to reveal their sensitive sides.

by Adithya Asprilla March 15, 2018