Police often ignore the gender-based violence dimension of online abuse cases, ending up with the victims being charged for defamation.
The realization that she could fight back her harasser gave her the freedom to be herself, to know her boundaries and protecting them.
When when two troubled souls met, things escalated quickly.
Penemuan sementara survei daring Never Okay menunjukkan 81,29 persen dari 1.240 responden mengalami pelecehan di tempat kerja.
Pawai terbuka menuntut DPR untuk mendengarkan suara para penyintas kekerasan seksual yang terimbas lemahnya penegakan hukum.
What traumatized me is not that some guy has sexually assaulted me and took my money, but that there's a part of me that questioned whether it was my fault.
Pameran 'Saat Itu Aku...' menunjukkan bahwa kekerasan seksual dapat terjadi pada siapa pun dan tidak pernah merupakan kesalahan korban.
Many publications have changed for the better how they speak about sexual abuse in the last few years, perhaps in part thanks to #metoo. But some too often ultimately feed into, rather than disrupt, rape culture.
(Trigger Warning) After being molested by her uncle at six years old began her private sexual life that would last well into her teenage years.
Untuk menciptakan kota yang aman bagi anak perempuan, pertama-tama harus ada perubahan perilaku dari laki-laki.