Celebrating 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence with creative and empowering event
As the clock is ticking, the stake is too high if the current Parliament doesn’t pass the anti-sexual violence bill.
Highlighting a rapist’s sexual preference always blurs the focus on addressing the issue of rape culture.
Big Little Lies manages to talk about violence against women in a way that GoT has never been able to do right: by focusing the story on the women.
Give Back Sale, acara galang dana untuk perempuan korban kekerasan di Indonesia
Fashion ForWord combines fashion and theatrical performance to reveal injustice and raises social consciousness.
After another successful Women’s March in Jakarta and surrounding cities, activists vow to push for Sexual Violence Bill.
Seorang penyintas pemerkosaan mendapat penguatan dari cerita ‘Agni’, sesama mahasiswa di Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Komnas Perempuan perlu diperkuat untuk mendobrak dominannya cara pandang dan praktik yang cenderung patriarkal dan merendahkan harkat dan martabat perempuan.
Kekerasan berbasis siber sering terjadi, namun berbagai pihak, termasuk pemerintah dan aparat penegak hukum masih terbata-bata dalam menangani kasus-kasusnya.