Big Little Lies manages to talk about violence against women in a way that GoT has never been able to do right: by focusing the story on the women.
Give Back Sale, acara galang dana untuk perempuan korban kekerasan di Indonesia
Komnas Perempuan perlu diperkuat untuk mendobrak dominannya cara pandang dan praktik yang cenderung patriarkal dan merendahkan harkat dan martabat perempuan.
Victims are often discouraged from pursuing criminal charges against the abusers in spy cam cases.
Komnas Perempuan mendesak DPR melakukan pembahasan yang sehat mengenai RUU Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual agar bisa segera disahkan.
Police often ignore the gender-based violence dimension of online abuse cases, ending up with the victims being charged for defamation.
Families' economic and social statuses do not always have a direct bearing on their susceptibility to violence, according to the National Statistics Agency.
Indoktrinasi patriarkal seperti ketaatan mutlak pada suami adalah salah satu faktor pendorong perempuan terlibat dalam terorisme.
The realization that she could fight back her harasser gave her the freedom to be herself, to know her boundaries and protecting them.
Putusan MA terhadap Baiq Nuril menunjukkan bahwa perspektif penegak hukum belum berpihak pada perempuan korban kekerasan seksual.