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Now that GoT is over, Go See the Real Gem that is “Big Little Lies”

Big Little Lies manages to talk about violence against women in a way that GoT has never been able to do right: by focusing the story on the women.

by Binky Bee May 29, 2019
Give Back Sale for Women Victims of Violence

Give Back Sale, acara galang dana untuk perempuan korban kekerasan di Indonesia

by Magdalene May 21, 2019
Issues // Politics and Society
Bagaimana Tingkatkan Perlindungan Perempuan? Perkuat Peran Komnas Perempuan

Komnas Perempuan perlu diperkuat untuk mendobrak dominannya cara pandang dan praktik yang cenderung patriarkal dan merendahkan harkat dan martabat perempuan.

by Usman Hamid March 13, 2019
Violence Survivor Thumbnail, Magdalene
Voyeurism and Spy Cam Cases Rampant But No Legal Recourse

Victims are often discouraged from pursuing criminal charges against the abusers in spy cam cases.

by Shafira Amalia March 6, 2019
Issues // Politics and Society
Komnas Perempuan Desak DPR Adakan Dialog Soal RUU PKS

Komnas Perempuan mendesak DPR melakukan pembahasan yang sehat mengenai RUU Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual agar bisa segera disahkan.

by Shafira Amalia February 12, 2019
Online Gender-based Violence on the Rise but Prosecuting Cases a Challenge

Police often ignore the gender-based violence dimension of online abuse cases, ending up with the victims being charged for defamation.

by Camely Artha February 1, 2019
More Women in Urban than Rural Areas are Domestic Violence Victims: BPS

Families' economic and social statuses do not always have a direct bearing on their susceptibility to violence, according to the National Statistics Agency.

by Camely Artha January 30, 2019
Issues // Politics and Society
Ahli: Ketaatan Mutlak pada Suami Salah Satu Faktor Perempuan Terlibat Terorisme

Indoktrinasi patriarkal seperti ketaatan mutlak pada suami adalah salah satu faktor pendorong perempuan terlibat dalam terorisme.

by Elma Adisya, Reporter January 21, 2019
Lessons from My Sexual Harassment that I Want My Daughter to Understand

The realization that she could fight back her harasser gave her the freedom to be herself, to know her boundaries and protecting them.

by Theodora Sarah Abigail January 14, 2019
Issues // Politics and Society
Perempuan Korban Kekerasan Seksual Sulit Cari Keadilan Hukum

Putusan MA terhadap Baiq Nuril menunjukkan bahwa perspektif penegak hukum belum berpihak pada perempuan korban kekerasan seksual.

by Amel December 19, 2018