Women’s football has moved forward away from obscurity and lack of respect, shaping itself to be the better half of professional football.
After another successful Women’s March in Jakarta and surrounding cities, activists vow to push for Sexual Violence Bill.
Adalah suatu kemunduran jika kita mengukur keimanan dan ketakwaan diri hanya berdasarkan pada simbol-simbol yang melekat pada tubuh perempuan.
There are a lot of things that only fellow divorcees can understand and empathize. The latest essay by Magdalene’s Managing Editor Hera Diani.
Police often ignore the gender-based violence dimension of online abuse cases, ending up with the victims being charged for defamation.
Are you one of these smug married friends? If yes, take heed!
Riset oleh Tempo Institute dan PDAT menunjukkan bahwa perempuan hanya mencakup 11 persen dari seluruh narasumber di media di Indonesia.
A restaurant in Kobe, Japan, provides a cozy hangout place to cure homesickness and food cooked by women migrant workers.
Ketika hubungan sedarah menjadi retak karena perbedaan pendapat soal agama dibungkam.
The journalist wrote about her journey to 18 countries and 44 cities in four and a half months in a travel novel.