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August 02, 2018

August 2018 Horoscopes

Though there are Mars and Mercury retrograde to be dealt with, this month will end with a super sweet full moon. So best enjoy it by slowing down.

by Aisyah Llewellyn, Columnist
Lifestyle // Horoscope
Hello Magdalene readers! Here we are in the month of August and the good news is that this will be a much friendlier month than July was – and let’s be honest July was really a pain in the arse for many of us.

Following on from that dumpster fire of a month, we’ll get a bit of break in August with some happier aspects and transits, but the main theme now is still to SLOW DOWN. The issue is that we still have Mars and Mercury retrograde and so there is still a sense that we are walking through glue trying to get anything done. This turns around at the end of the month which ends with a super sweet full moon in the sign of Pisces, so don’t despair and try to just go with the flow – it’s what the watery Sign of the Fish wants you to do! So enjoy the last month of summer, wherever you may be in the world, and take the time to slow down, watch a few sunsets, and enjoy the calmer side of life. See you in September when the pace finally picks up!

Remember: If you want to enquire about a personal chart reading or a compatibility chart then hit me up at [email protected].

26 July – 19 August: Mercury Retrograde
Planet of Communication, Mercury, is still retrograde until August 19. This brings with it a sluggish energy and it could be in everyone’s interest to take some time off and not try to push projects and plans forward. Everyone is feeling the summer heat as it were, so checking out of the office and spending time by the pool could be a far better use of your time now. Also make sure not to sign contracts, change your appearance or buy any electronic devices until September when things are clearer.

11 August: Partial Solar Eclipse

There will be a partial Solar Eclipse on August 11 in the sign of Leo and this could mean that we see cover ups on the world stage with the British Royal Family or with the Trump Dynasty. Information will emerge at this time, but we will not have the full story. This also links to North Korea as the Eclipse will pass over this part of the world, so let’s all hold onto our hats for that one. On a personal level, your romantic or creative life could get some kind of shakeup – again linked to secrets coming out and changing how you see the world.

26/27 August: Pisces Full Moon
Depending on where you are in the world, there will be a Full Moon in the sign of Pisces at the end of the month. This is going to be a very romantic Full Moon for many of us and also a time of endings, or just of everything finally coming together in your love life. If you have been having issues with a partner, then this could be an intense time for you as you have the “big talk” about everything that has gone wrong – but trust this will lead to breakthroughs and to a new chapter in the relationship.

And now a look at your forecast by sign...


The Sun is now in your Fifth House of Romance and Children, Aries, meaning that this month is a good time for you to meet someone if you’re single. If you have been trying for a baby – or thinking about starting a family – then now is also a great time to do it! This is not however about committed relationships like marriage which fall under the Seventh House, so this only applies if you are casually dating. If you have been seeing someone and want to get closer (and move into the Seventh House) then this could be the perfect time to do it! The Solar Eclipse on August 11 is also in your Fifth House, meaning that you are on fire when it comes to your creativity and you could find yourself in the spotlight when the Eclipse hits. With that in mind, you may want to make sure you are camera ready, so get some new headshots and maybe delete anything from social media that no longer fits your brand.


This month you have the Sun in your Fourth House of Home and Family, Taurus, which is both a good and a bad thing. If you are thinking of moving then you could have some issues now, and it could be that you have to deal with the landlord from hell or similar. If you do want to move or are thinking of buying or renting a new home, then do yourself a favour and wait until September when things are clearer and calmer. On the flipside, with a bunch of planets retrograde, this is a good time for you to think about your place in the world and where you really see yourself over the next few years. When it comes to love, this is still mixed up with some kind of secret – so maybe a secret lover or someone you can’t really talk about to anyone. If that sounds like you, Taurus, then you need to get a grip on this and start sorting out some boundaries. This could be very special but it needs rules!


We have the Sun in your Third House of Communication, Gemini, which is both a blessing and a curse in August as we also have Mercury, your ruling planet, in retrograde. This means that messages could get very scrambled this month and you may struggle to speak your truth. The Solar Eclipse on August 11, however, could bring a communication breakthrough when something you post goes viral – but make sure that it’s for all the right reasons and think before you fire off a post you later regret. Your love life now also suffers from communication mishaps: you either say absolutely the right thing at times and the wrong thing at others. Avoid the Solar Eclipse on  August 11 and the Pisces Full Moon on August 27 as these are not the time to have a big talk. You also have Venus in your Fifth House of Love this month, so if you are single, then you could meet someone who is perfect for a summer romance. If you’re attached, then now is a great time to get a lot closer and enjoy this summer of love.


This month is all about money for you, Cancer, as you now have the Sun in your Second House of Finance. You probably already know that money has been an issue for some time, and it has likely been flowing through your hands like water. You may have had to pay several large bills lately and this could mean that your savings account has been seriously depleted. Now however things start to look up – but slowly. Things are turning around when it comes to money and by September everything looks a little brighter. By November you are on your way, and you can start to save money again and even develop a lucrative partnership with someone who brings more cash your way. Another area of tension in your life lately has been your relationships, and if you have had issues with someone close to you then the second half of August is the time when, together, you will get to write the next chapter of this (love?) story, whatever that may be. After the end of August and into September, everything is far more settled for you, Cancer!


Happy Solar Return, Leo! It’s still your birthday month which also means that you are still in the spotlight now. You have the Sun in your First House of Image and everyone is probably looking to you as you have a glow about you. This is therefore really the time for you to think about where you want to go in life, and you may also want to start work on your personal brand if that is important to you. Just watch out for the time around the Solar Eclipse on August 11, as this is when your light will be dimmed for a while, so take care with the things you say on social media, for example. This could also be the time when a secret could be exposed that involves you and a key relationship in your life, but don’t make any big moves now, as you will not have all the information. Your love life is also going to soar and if you are single, there could be a number of suitors on the horizon. If you are coupled then you could also get closer to your partner now and maybe even plan something like a wedding.


This is going to be a kind of slow month for you, Virgo, which could be the last thing you want to hear. This started last month as Mercury, your ruling planet, turned retrograde and that always throws a spanner in the works. You also have the Sun in your shadowy Twelfth House which is quite introspective, so this is really a good month to do something like kick back at home and keep your schedule light, or go on holiday where you can truly rest and relax. The one thing you shouldn’t do now is push too hard in any direction. If plans are just not coming together, then do something else. This could be a very frustrating month for you if you try to pin people down and make firm arrangements, so instead just focus on yourself and what you want to do. With the Sun in your Twelfth House it could be quite a sexy time, particularly around the Pisces Full Moon on August 27 – so plan something special then or get ready to meet someone who could go on to be very significant.


The Sun is in your Eleventh House of Friendships, Libra, and this means that this area of your life will be in the spotlight now. If you have been having issues with a friend, then this could come to a head now and you may have to start figuring out where this friendship is really going. It could be that you are “frenemies” who can’t stop fighting, or it could also be that there is something more to this story – like a budding romance. Whatever it is, August is the month when you will have to figure all of this out for good. Once you do, everything is much easier. This could also apply to your work life and now is the time for you to collaborate as much as possible. Teamwork really does make the dream work for you now, Libra, so look for ways that you can pool your talents with others around you. Going it alone in August is not an option and collaborations could also end up being very lucrative for you.


Throughout August you have the Sun in your Tenth House of Honours and Ambition, Scorpio, which sounds good, but you also have to remember that we have several planets that are also retrograde. This means that while there will be opportunities for you to get ahead at work, this is more about a slow and steady climb to the top – and a few standout moments throughout the month that will set you on the right path. When it comes to your love life, it’s all a bit tricky and it’s also linked to your work life and ambitions. There is a sense now that you need freedom to work out your next moves and someone in your life could seem as if they are holding you back or not being fully supportive. If that is the case, then this could be a relationship that has run its course and the road to freedom could be one that you would be better off walking alone. While this may be difficult initially, you will soon be amazed at how liberated you feel and how much your life has changed.


You now have the Sun in your Ninth House of Travel, Sagittarius, and this means that you could be dusting off your suitcase and expanding your horizons this month. There is the chance of travelling for both work or pleasure and if you have the chance to book a holiday then you should go for it. Just remember that Mercury is retrograde which could lead to travel delays so double check you have your passport. Travel could also bring about a change in your work life as it could also lead to a promotion or similar, or you may meet someone from a different country who goes on to be very significant as a professional or romantic partner. Either way, if you get the chance to mingle with people from another culture, or get out of town, then this is where all the magic will be for you this month. It’s time for you to think globally rather than locally now, Sagittarius, which is perfect for your sign, which rules travel and travel in the mind.


The Sun is in your Eighth House of Money, Capricorn, but this is about other people’s money including debts and credits. If you lent money to someone lately then you could have a struggle on your hands to get it back and this could cause you a lot of stress. On the other hand there may be an issue with something like a tax bill and if that is the case you really need to turn your attention to sorting out your finances now. The Eighth House is also quite a sultry house however so romance could also be on the cards for you this month, and if you are single then an intriguing stranger could come into your life. If you are attached, then this is the time for you to get closer to a loved one and spend some quality time together. Either way, there will be plenty of intrigue in your relationships now that will spice things up – but also make sure you don’t take everything too seriously, as the Solar Eclipse on August 11 could cover up a relationship issue. The truth may come out about a partner, but you won’t have all the details until September!


You now have the Sun in your Seventh House of Relationships and this means that this will be your focus for the month of August. This could be a time when you find that a relationship feels as if it has stalled and you could struggle to communicate with a partner, thanks to a number of planets that are retrograde now. If that is the case, then you need to take this slow and have a lot of patience. Relationship issues could come up around the Solar Eclipse on August 11, but be careful you don’t make any big relationship decisions around that time. You could also meet someone around the eclipse if you are single, but you may only be seeing one side of their personality, so make sure that you don’t rush to judgement. Yes they could be the perfect partner for you, but with so much going on in the heavens you really need to wait and see. The skies are so much clearer for you by September when it comes to your love life, Aquarius.


As we head through August, you now have the Sun in your Sixth House of Health and Wellness, Pisces. With a number of planets in retrograde, this also makes it the ideal time for you to slow down and focus on your body and your health. There is a real risk of you burning out now if you do too much, and you may want to get a check-up if you have had a nagging health issue for some time, just skip the period around the Solar Eclipse on August 11, as this always brings a blind spot with it. The other big story this month, as well as your body, is your love life, as we have Venus in your Eighth House, which is all about intriguing people you just can’t seem to forget about. If someone has really got under your skin, then now is the time to look at this relationship as clearly as possible and try to untangle some of the issues. While someone may tantalize and intrigue you, there is also a need for some healthy boundaries now.
Aisyah Llewellyn is a professional freelance writer. Much of her work is focused on astrology writing and she specializes in compatibility reports and relationship advice by sign.