Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
October 24, 2013

Easy Riders

A comic artist illustrates the death-defying feat of motorcyclists she encounters on the street daily.

by Sheila Rooswitha Putri

Our contributor Sheila Rooswitha Putri, who goes by the moniker Lala, is a well-known comic artist who draws inspiration from the funny, often absurd life surrounding her. Her two works of illustration here sadly reflect a common sight in the streets of Jakarta and other Indonesian cities, home of over 60 million motorcycles and where roughly 30,000 people die every year in road accidents, many involving motorcycles. No helm, with a child precariously sleeping in one arm (the other riding pillion), and, still, smoking while navigating through the maze-like traffic—nothing seems to slow these “legendary motorcyclists”. Seen worse? Share your comment and observation here, or take a picture and send it to us.