Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
November 15, 2013

Enlightened Masculinity

Real men don't read Maxim, they browse the articles on The Good Men Project. Introducing a web-magazine for the 21st century men.

by Magdalene
the good men Thumbnail, Magdalene

The Good Men Project is an online-only magazine that gives men a voice to tell stories about the defining moments in their lives. Founded in 2009 by Tom Matlack and James Houghton, this magazine says it hopes to spark a conversation around modern manhood and the question of “What does it mean to be a good man?”
It has received rave reviews from the media, with The Atlantic Wire saying that The Good Men Project is an alternative to the dying breed of lads’ mags, “with men now writing about males issues beyond whether Bar Rafaeli is hotter than Irina Shayk.”
Liberal feminist MS. Magazine praised it as a magazine that "will make you rethink the idea of a men’s magazine. Recommend it...to anyone who wants to read stories about people coming to terms with what enlightened masculinity might look like in the 21st century.”
How nice to finally see a thoughtful male perspective on issues like relationship, fatherhood and ethics. And who says a good man is hard to find?