Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
May 23, 2014

Reformasi Time Machine

A newsletter aims at reminding the youth about one of Indonesia's bloodiest and darkest periods in recent history.

by Magdalene

Sixteen years have passed since the tragedy of May 1998. Does it still etch on people’s minds? Have all the tragedy and struggle seen as another chapter of Indonesia’s long history? What about the younger generation?
Pamflet, a non-profit organization aimed to encourage youth activism, is commemorating the 16th year of Reformasi era by publishing a newsletter that delves into this part of history to raise the awareness of today’s young generation.
Compiled by a group of writers and reporters, this newsletter comprises memories and observations of various sources – from activists, kidnapped victims to victims’ families – about the Reformasi movement and era.
It is reminder that we must never forget history, even the bloodiest and darkest parts of it, and to keep from falling to the same traps.
Read the newsletter (in Indonesia) below:

   Pamflet #2