Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
July 12, 2014

Runners with Cellulite: Unite!

Your $200 running shoes and fancy GPS do not make a runner out of you. But these do, says this proud runner with cellulite in this witty poem.

by Gita Putri Damayana

If you have experienced running outdoor, be it in the comfort of your gated compound or on your local car-free day, you know the feeling.
The breeze in the nape of your neck, the trickles of sweat and the ray of sun on your cheek. You wore running gear, along with your handheld with its running app switched on. You feel confident when you put one foot in front of the other. You feel like those women in the sports magazine spread.
The hard truth is you have the feeling, but you hardly have the look.
To unite us all, dear female runners with physically challenged appearances, I took the liberty to quote and rephrase from two historical figures in the civil rights movements in American history, which is Martin Luther King Jr and Maya Angelou. This is our creed.
Read on, comrades.
I Have A (Cellulite) Dream
Skinny women wonder where our energy lies
We’re not slim or built to become the cover of Shape or Runner’s World

But when we start to tell them that we’re runners
They say we’re telling lies
I say
It’s in the wiggle of our arms
The span of our elongated waistline
The short stride of our steps
We’re runners
Cellulite runners
Now you understand
Just why we never flaunt our personal best
We don’t shout or jump about them
Or have to talk about it
When you see us passing
It ought to make you proud, we say
Because we have a dream
that our children will one day live in a nation
where they will not be judged by they personal best
but by the bravery to keep on running
despite their beer belly, love handles and muffin top
And when this happens
This will be the day when all God’s children are able to run with a new meaning
that Nike+, Endomondo, Garmin and Fitness Tracker will not be the judge of our character,
but by the quality of consistencies and persistence to keep on running
It’s in the clap between our thighs
The plump of our chubby cheek
Because we’re runners
Cellulite runners
That’s us
*rephrasing from the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr famous 1963 'I Have A Dream' speech and Maya Angelou's 1955 'Phenomenal Woman'.
About Gita Putri Damayana
A self-proclaimed good mother of three kids and pretentious wife of a model citizen. A law graduate from University of Indonesia with no particular distinction at all, but who is highly opinionated on almost anything under the sun. She casts herself as the mirror image of actress Dian Sastrowardoyo, while maintaining a health regime of Mama Hengky, the famous 80's comic.