Happy birthday to all you Gemini babies! This Friday the Sun will enter Gemini, the sign of optimism and communication. What does this mean for you? Gemini rules a quick wit and a fast thought process.
With Mercury as the main ruler of Gemini, this occurrence would give us the antidote to overcome the infamous Mercury Retrograde. We’ll be more equipped and ready to handle a few projects at once, thus a smooth flow of communication would be beneficial for us in achieving our goals.
In addition to Sun in Gemini, expect a Full Moon on the 22nd in Sagittarius in conjunction with Mars in retrograde. Our hopes and dreams will finally come together with our desire and our willingness to jump into the unknown.
We may be wishing for something out of the blue and mistakes may happen in the process, if we decide on something without taking some time to think it through. With Mars and Moon opposing Sun in Gemini, we will be introduced with a challenge to balance our desire of expansion with our logic, values and our ethics.
Would it be acceptable for us to take that promotion knowing that our colleague deserves it more than us? Would it be acceptable for us to rekindle our passionate romance with an ex while we are in a relationship? Remember that Mars is currently in retrograde, so desires and ambitions would pop up in our head, but we will often have trouble actualizing it.
My advice is, take your time. See if you can think about your wishes thoroughly before taking any regrettable action. Communicating your feelings is also a great move to consider all of your options.

Seven of Disks
Just like two sides of the coin, an ambition tastes better when paired with failure. Failure will help you to grow tall like a cliff facing the endless waves. Be brave, even though your heart shivers like a cat.

Princess of Cups
You were always there for those who need you, but now you have to be there for yourself. Enjoy the slow walk in the park, laugh at your own jokes, find the joy of being in your own skin. You deserve this.

Prince of Disks
When being pulled in different directions, think about things that excite you. Think about those who love you and put yourself in their shoes. What would you do if you were them? Would you make that vague decision too?

Three of Swords
With darkness, everything seems more intense and never-ending. But, do you know that darkness exists to teach us to appreciate the light? Shine a light on it, if it scares you. You didn’t hear it from me – it is known.

The Devil
The thoughts entrenched in your mind isn’t easy to be eliminated, isn’t it? It’s no sin to want or to desire things that we shouldn’t. But it’s a sin to cross our self-made line. Don’t sing a song you cannot forget.

Queen of Disks
You’re not a child, no. But this constant cycle of wallowing in sadness must be stopped immediately. Look around; happiness is there every step of your way. Go beyond your usual comfort zone to find your light again.

A quest to find a treasure chest at the end of the rainbow is something you’re born to do alone. Have you ever thought of sharing your drive with someone else? An adventure is always better with friends, if you ask me.

Queen of Swords
After a hard day of work, now is the time for you to rest in a deep slumber. Find solace in a day spent in the darkness. When all is fine, wake up and soak yourself under the warm sunlight. Does it feel better now?

Two of Wands
You’ve seen what this world has done to you, yet you are ready to embrace more. Dear brave one, be happy and be ready to find luck in unlikely opportunities. You’ll be amaze to see what it offers you.

The Fool
To love someone without a baggage might be a fool’s act. But to be a fool in the tedious world is a wondrous thing to be! If I were you, I would choose love over things that please my eyes. Are you ready?

Ace of Disks
You have tried to conquer the mountain but the mountain wouldn’t allow you to. Don’t be disheartened! Only those who persist will reap the fruit of their labor. Are you one of those people? Yes you are!

The Hanged Man
It is not you: it’s them. Those who avert their eyes from reality can easily influence you to do the same thing. Don’t sit with those who couldn’t see through the veil. Find your own path and everything will become clearer.