After finally finding self-acceptance and building her self-confidence, a weight loss program makes this medical doctor feel something is wrong with her own body again.
Her journey to loving her own body involves unlearning what she has been taught about her looks by her own mother.
While feminists have fought fiercely against the male gaze and are making some progress, gay male gaze is harder to deal with because it is a never ending loop.
Payudara kecil salah, besar salah. Masyarakat kita memang misoginis.
Now in my “dream body,” I was happy to be depressed and to consume a bunch of pills on a daily basis. The huge irony eluded me.
Film “Imperfect” berniat menyebarkan pesan positif terkait tubuh dan mengkritik standar ideal kecantikan.
Lewat bisnis pakaian dalam Nipplets, pengusaha Ida Swasti ingin mendorong citra tubuh yang positif dan pendidikan seks yang sehat.
Kurangnya pengetahuan akan pentingnya kesehatan seksual & reproduksi hingga rasa risih dan malu untuk membicarakannya.
Memakai ‘lingerie’ tidak hanya untuk menyenangkan pasangan, namun juga merupakan salah satu bentuk ‘self-love’ terbaik.
Perhaps it’s time to talk about small breasts – and the shaming of flat-chested women – in our conversation about body positivity.