Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
October 07, 2016

'All Woman Project' Campaigns for Diverse Female Bodies in the Media

An online campaign aims for more diverse representation of women bodies in the media.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari

An online campaign aims to shatter media representation of ideal beauty by displaying women of all body types from across the globes.  The body positive campaign “All Woman Project” aims to encourage more diversity in fashion and media, and to empower women and girls from across the globe to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin.
The project is led by models Clementine Desseaux and Charli Howard, after  feeling tired of being photoshopped and criticized for being size two.
“We believe size and color doesn’t [sic] limit us as models and as women. We believe all body shapes and ethnicities deserve to be represented in fashion and in the media,” according to a statement on the website.
The media and society have taught women to be ashamed of their physical flaws, despite the fact that there is no such thing as a perfect body. In an interview with HuffingtonPost, Clementine reminds people that even models have cellulite, stretch marks and other individual physical attributes that are considered imperfections.
 “Our physical attributes do not define us as women, our strength and character does,” the website says.
Join the movement on Instagram and Twitter with hashtag #iamallwoman if you believe that all types of women bodies, including yours, deserve to be represented in the media.

Also check out this photo series.