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Gender Stereotypes: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Much like a self-fulfilling prophecy, stereotypes exist because we believe they exist.

by Marsa Harisa April 4, 2019
The Vicious Cycle We Have Created for Transgender Women in Indonesia

Integrating transgender women into women’s movement is important not only to consolidate power, but also to help protect the marginalized group from pervasive violence and discrimination against its members.

by Kevin Halim March 15, 2019
In the Closet, Out of the Gossip: The LGBT People’s Urgent Need for Safe Space

“When we’re hanging out, they always talk about other gay people. If I let them know that I’m gay, it’s the same as letting all gays in the city know about me.”

by Varrel Vendira March 11, 2019
Issues // Gender and Sexuality
Membantah 'Slippery Slope' LGBT ke Pedofilia

Kelompok LGBT sering kali difitnah sebagai predator seksual yang tak segan memanipulasi dan menggunakan kekerasan demi kepuasan seksual.

by Benny Wirawan February 23, 2019
Issues // Politics and Society
'Surviving R. Kelly' Sadarkan Saya Akan Kekerasan Seksual yang Saya Alami

Tanpa harus melalui ancaman kekerasan, gadis remaja begitu rentan menghadapi bahaya kejahatan seksual.

by Lathifah Indah January 31, 2019
Auto Immune 72 Thumbnail, Magdalene
Issues // Politics and Society
Ibu Rumah Tangga: Kerentanan 'Alamiah' Transmisi HIV

Negara dan masyarakat perlu menafsir ulang makna "perempuan baik" di dalam kehidupan sosial.

by Astried Permata December 13, 2018
Issues // Gender and Sexuality
Pawai Akbar Desak DPR Sahkan RUU Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual

Esai foto pawai akbar untuk mendesak DPR segera mengesahkan RUU Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual (RUU PKS).

by Elma Adisya, Reporter December 10, 2018
Women Human Rights Defenders in RI Need Support and Protection

Women human rights defenders in Indonesia face a host of challenges including security and financial problems.

by Ayunda Nurvitasari November 3, 2018
Poor Sanitary and Hygiene Condition at Schools Affect Female Students

Female students are more prone to skipping classes on their menstrual days due to sanitation and hygiene problems at school.

by Angesti Citra Asih October 23, 2018
Issues // Politics and Society
Edukasi Kontrasepsi dan Pencegahan Kehamilan Masih Rendah

Akses terhadap informasi dan pilihan kontrasepsi masih rendah, menyebabkan banyaknya kasus kehamilan tidak direncanakan.

by Elma Adisya, Reporter October 23, 2018