Women Lead Pendidikan Seks
November 05, 2014

Literary Comics Tell Harrowing Truths

Through a series of comic strips about a migrant worker, a displaced Sri Lankan family, and a community of Somalis, we get a glimpse of the harrowing realities and the complicated issues facing a large part of the world.

by Magdalene

Her name is Almaz and her harrowing story represents thousands of other African and Asian migrant workers trapped in abusive and exploitative situations across the Middle East.
Almaz’ story reveals the experience that far too many domestic workers, including from Indonesia, endure. It depicts the systematic lack of protection for workers throughout the recruitment and migration cycle.
From Almaz in Addis Ababa, we move to the Sri Lankan conflict through the lens of a single family, which shows the experiences of modern warfare, the process of forced migration and the struggles of seeking asylum in Europe.
And then meet the Somalis, whose personal testimonies highlight the integration issues across seven cities of Europe.
These accounts are presented in a series of comics, produced by PositiveNegatives. Through a combination of literature, journalism and education, the institution produces literary comics about contemporary social and human rights issues.

It is a clever and interesting approach to let people explore complicated and controversial subjects, including political conflicts, migration and asylum. 
Check out an example below and find others on www.positivenegatives.org.